0.2 | "Well, are you coming or not?"

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Steve Rogers - 92 years old & Amber was 20 years old

Usually Amber gets solo missions, and in her opinion, that's also what she prefers

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Usually Amber gets solo missions, and in her opinion, that's also what she prefers. She doesn't need to worry about anyone, but herself. So, if the mission messes up she already knows who to blame, herself. That's always what she told herself.

'If people die it's your fault'

'If a family loses another person it's your fault'

However, when Fury requires it she sometimes goes on missions with a partner. Most of the time it's her close friend Natasha Romanoff. They would always have fun during missions. Flirting with the enemy and drinking while fighting during the mission. They were very powerful and the best team.

However, Natasha is usually occupied with other missions. Most of them being undercover so Amber and she don't have any contact ill after or if they were on a mission themselves.

Because of the circumstances that were at hand, Natasha was on a mission right now and Amber needed to go on a mission to retrieve and erase data from a HYDRA base in Italy.

They hacked into SHIELD's database and retrieved some information that can only be erased from the inside.

It was going to be a very complicated and hard mission because being sneaky would not pass fro this mission. She needed someone to have her back while she is hacking and fighting the HYDRA members, and doing it by herself wouldn't work.

Because of this case, Fury required her to work with another during this mission. So, he asked a commonly known figure to partner up with Amber during her mission. Captain America, the old school idol who saved many lives and became the model that many children and adults look up to.

Even with him being a "lab rat" not many people looked at him in this manner. They always looked at the many things that he achieved and the stories that were told about him. He even had his own exhibit in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. This place held the many things he accomplished, his story, the people who were the most important to him, and what he did for the country.

He was truly the heart of American history. So, when S.H.I.E.L.D found him encased in ice the world was all surprised and in awe. He didn't look like he aged a bit after the many years that he's been stuck in the ice.

However, based on his previous achievements and strong persistence in doing things right he made the second-best candidate in aiding Amber in her mission since Natasha would be her first.

After receiving the necessary information for the mission Amber starts making her way to where she is supposed to meet the person she is working with. Fury didn't want to tell her because he wanted to mess around with her for actions on her last mission.

During that mission, she accidentally forgot her weapons and ended up fighting 50 men with just her skills and occasionally taking the enemy's weapons and using them against themselves. At that time she got shot 3 times all hitting non-life threatening areas.

Needless to say, Fury was still mad at her for her carelessness. After that whole ordeal, he became a bit timider in allowing her on missions, but ended up letting her go out again, but only with the requirement of her weapons on her at all times, unless he told her otherwise.

She starts her bike's engine allowing for it to roar loudly, alarming any people near that she was getting ready to leave. On the way to her mission, she starts to think about who she is being partnered up with. At this moment she started regretting ever messing with Fury in her last mission. Against Fury's knowledge she actually purposely left her weapons because she wanted to see how long she could survive.

The only people who knew of this reasoning was Natasha, and when she heard she couldn't stop laughing for half an hour. But she could only reply with,

"That's my badass girl"

Natasha was always the type of friend who encouraged bad and risky behavior. Amber and she always thought that you should live life the fullest even if you're almost about to die.

Shaking her head Amber cuts the past memories out of her head and continues to ride toward her target.

As she arrives near her destination she could faintly see an outline of a muscular man. Getting closer, she could see a blob of blond hair on the top of the stranger's head along with a dark outfit. She turned her bike to the side as she parked next to him.

His face held utter confusion and curiosity at Amber. Like Amber, he wasn't given any information on who his partner was going to be. He wasn't assuming it to not be a woman, but he also wasn't expecting it to be one either. With an eyebrow raised, he asked Amber,

"Are you the one I have the mission with?"

After he spoke Amber brought her helmet off her head, finally allowing Steve to see his partner. Her hair reached down her mid-back, mahogany brown hair that settled in small beach waves caressed on her back. Steve was in awe at the sight of her. She seemed to be a natural beauty, one that he could not take his eyes off of.

After taking her helmet off Amber finally moved her gaze to her partner of the day. He was incredibly handsome and muscular, traits that she wasn't surprised about after noticing who exactly this man was. Noticing that she hasn't responded yet she replies with,

"Yes sir, my name is Amber Holland Cap"

Slightly snapping out of his awe state he manages to reply with a small response.

"I'm Steve Roger"

Nodding she grabs a spare helmet off the back of her motorcycle, which she keeps just in case she has missions with Natasha. When she reached it, she grabbed a hold of it and tossed it to the out-of-it Captain America. Surprised by the force that was put into the toss Steve struggles slightly in catching the heavy helmet. The brown-haired girl looked at him with a blunt stare and a raised eyebrow.

"Well, are you coming or not?" She asked a tad bit annoyed.

Steve shakes his head getting ride of any other thoughts that were coming up into his head, only allowing the mission to take over the current status of his mind. He puts the helmet on and walks toward Amber allowing the weight of the helmet to feel itself around Steve's head. Once he reached the bike he looked toward Amber for an answer to his thoughts. She only gave him an annoyed look and loudly sighed.

"Just take the back and hold onto me. I don't have time to change how we sit, so deal with it."

Only allowing himself to nod, Steve makes his way toward the back of the bike. Putting his leg over the seat, and sitting down behind the girl. With the size of him, he probably should've fallen off the bike at this point, but with Amber taking barely even half of the seat, he manages to sit comfortably.

Finally, after being seated he becomes a bit anxious due to not knowing where to put his hands. Noticing this Amber sighs and grabs his hands and applies them around her waist.

"Hold on tight or you'll fall"

And with that Steve complies and then the pair start to make their way toward their mission. 


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