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⚠️ This chapter contains mature themes such as violence and gore.
Viewer discretion is advised!



A loud high pitched voice echoing across Hollywood as a Blue Hedgehog stands in front of a the movie poster for the Sonic movie. His eyes were widened as peaches as he stares in shock at himself, which didn't look like himself. This version of him was tall and shaggy with Nike snickers. He was glove-less and his eyes were small and separated. But the worst thing of all is that he had human teeth.

As Sonic was walking away from the movie poster, he was back home in 10 seconds as he angrily breaks a few things. "No! no! no! NO!!!!" Sonic snarled "There's NO WAY I'm letting MY Image in MY movie be RUINED THAT!!!!!"

Sonic then looks around the house and saw A mini safe under his bed, he pulls it out and cracked the code. Inside was a switchblade and a gun. "but it's OK!" He smirked at himself "I'm going to deal with this before it's too late!"

As he said he grabbed his switchblade and his gun and speeded off to the filmmaking place. There Dominic, the actor who is playing Sonic, was getting ready to film the movie until Sonic bursted into the room. Dom just stared at him with wide eyes.


"THERE YOU ARE!!!!" Sonic roared "I AM NOT GONNA LET YOU RUIN MY REPUTATION BY—" "Well hello Sir!" Dominic replies calmly "It looks like you had just wandered off into the movie set. We are currently filming.........what's a called?......uhhhh.......darn it, I definitely screwed that up!"

"JUST GET OUT OF MY MOVIE, FAKER!" Sonic spat, making Dom flinch a bit. "I know this is your movie." Said Dom, still keeping his cool "but I'm just trying my very best know.......act like you!" Sonic scoffs "well you're doing a very terrible job!"

Dominic looked at him wide eyed in shock "w-what?" He stuttered "w-why?"

"BECAUSE YOU LOOK UGLY!!!!" Sonic snarled with his teeth grinding.

Those four words sent shivers down Dominic's back as he stares at the angry hedgehog "I.....I....."

"like what are yourself in the mirror, YOU IDIOT!!!!" Sonic smeared "like what kind of shoes are those and why are my eyes are separated? But I WILL give you credit for a really good looking butt-cheeks!" "well thank you!" Dominic smiled awkwardly "I do A lot of squats Every single da—" "BUT I STILL HATE IT!!!!"

Sonic then pulls out the gun and Ames it at Dominic. Dom backed up as the staff team call 9-1-1.

"you are a disgrace!" Sonic snarled "and no one AND I MEAN NO ONE wants to see you on the big screen!!!"

Dominic twiddles his fingers "well I—"

"SHUT UP!!!" Sonic swore as he punches Dom in the face which caused him to bleed from the mouth. Dom tries to get up. But Sonic then pulls the trigger as the bullet scrapes Dominic in the shoulder.

"DESTRUCTIVE ROBOT!!!!!!" As he said it a large robot appears over the two hedgehog as it glares daggers at Dominic with it piercing red eyes.

Dominic smiled in satisfaction "oh! Cool robot ma—" "SHUT UP!!!" Sonic snapped "destructive robot! kill him!"

"Wait! WHAT?!?!"

The robot then began to punch The places where Dominic was to, but Dom always dodges the attacks.

Dominic then curled up into a ball and spin ball the robot. But when he was about to destroy it sound like then spin bald Dominic to the ground, got his switchblade out and stabbed him in the leg.

"I'm gonna KILL YOU!!!!" Sonic yelled as he was about to stab Dom in the chest. But then the blinding light stopped him as an angry voice called out "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!!"

Sonic then turns around and saw thousands of police cars and helicopters surrounding him and Dom as the FBI points their guns at him. Sonic puts his hands up as he walks towards the police as one of the police officers handcuffed him and let him to the car. Dominic gets up just in time and went through the back door with tears streaming down his face.

Ever since he was a child, he fell in love with Sonic the hedgehog his entire life and now his hero just criticized him for being ugly and attacked him.

As he sat down on a box and began to cry he suddenly here's a soft teenage male voice.

"Hey, you OK?" The Voice cooed in his ear.

Then, in a heartbeat, Dominic turns around.......

To be continued......

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