Chapter 3: Born Powerful/Powerless.

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Dominic's Pov

The next morning was an good one for Dominic. Because first of all, he's getting the day off after the incident with Sonic and second of all he will get do you know his new friend, Zero, a bit better.

Dominic got out of bed at 8:00 AM but before he got breakfast, he walked into the guest room to check on Zero, but the small hedgehog was not there. Dom looked everywhere for Zero until he notices a blue flash in the corner of his eye. he looked out the window and saw Zero playing a solo game of baseball. Dominic just smiled at him. Well, you must be feeling better then, he thought as he walked to where the Zero was at, but no one deserves to play alone.

As he thought it, he grabbed a baseball cap and glove as he walked towards the baseball court.

Scene: 0:54–2:06

Note: there will be a few changes to the scene, like when Sonic (Zero) I was trying to catch the ball but missed, this time Dominic is in it and he and Zero were tackling each other to get the ball.

"SAFE!!!!" 'catcher' Zero cried as 'batter' Zero skidded across the sand to home base. Zero got up began to cheer, Dom just smiles at him and walked up to him. "good game! kid" He said as he pats Zero hard in the back which startled the small hedgehog a bit "Oh uh....mornin' Dom!" Zero replied with a chuckle " how was your breakfast?" Dominic just shook his head with A smirk as he sat down on the bench, Zero did the same. "I didn't even get breakfast yet" he laughed "I didn't want to eat without you" " it's OK" Zero said with a sigh "I'm used to eating alone. To be honest, I'm used to being alone every single day"

Dom sighs as well, realizing that because Zero was homeless for his whole life, he was used to being alone and the only person he was used to playing with........was himself. But when he now my new friend he is confused as heck and gets frightened easily.

"well, that's going to change!" Dominic replied as he places a friendly arm around Zero's shoulder and smiles at him " from now on I'll always have your're gonna be OK, I promise you that!"

Zero just looks at Dominic confused before he smiles slightly at him before he walks inside for breakfast. Dominic followed behind him, his heart was pounding with excitement yet it feels a bit sorry for Zero. he thought in his head: "no wonder he was so nice to me. he just wanted a true friend like me"

The truth is that Sonic wasn't the only one who criticized Dom for his looks. Several sonic fans criticized his Look as well. They even made very insulting Memes about him. He felt so alone even though the staff and the other actors supported him he still felt alone. But when he met Zero he knew that he wouldn't be alone anymore.

Timeskip after breakfast......

Zero's Pov

The food was delicious! Zero had never ate anything that good in his life. And even better, Dom was the one that cooked the food. Because he said to him that he has to work to stay here, Zero made the coffee. It was one of his favourite things to do and he was pretty good at it. But that's not the only "chore" that Zero did: He washed the dishes, made the beds and Dom didn't have to ask to do those things. To be honest, those things were not really "chores" to Zero, they were more like small every-day games.

After the two hedgehog finished cleaning up, Z was thinking in my head, "when am I going to get a job? How my going to go back on my feet?" But little did Zero know that Dom had an idea.

"Hey Z! That was one good coffee in me there" said Dom with a smile, "oh uh.....thanks" Zero chuckled "i'm glad you noticed" "Say, I was thinking....." Dominic spoke before he paused for a sec. "what is it, Dom?" Zero asked impatiently "i'm all ears!" Dominic leans on the counter has he thought about what words to say. "Well...." he began "uhhh...." "spit it out Man!" Zero snapped slightly.

Dom sighs "we are........we are right now hiring for a coffee guy" he replied "and I was thinking.....that you should sign up for it. if you want to—" "ARE YOU KIDDING?!?!" Zero screamed, making Dom jump a bit "OF COURSE I'LL DO IT!!!" As he said it, the small hedgehog ran around the room at supersonic speeds in excitement.

After that, Zero hugged Dominic, his heterochromia eyes were sparkling with happiness "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Zero spoke as fast as lightning. Dominic smiled as he hugged Zero back "no problem Z".

"So, when do I start?" Zero asked as he released Dom from their hug. Dom smiled "tomorrow" he said.

"Can't wait!" Zero howled in happiness.

Dominic then gave Zero a knuckle-in-the-head which made the small hedgehog laughs in happiness as the two wrestled playfully. Suddenly, blue sparks of lightning sparkle through Zero's quills as a big one zapped Dom in the hand also making Zero flinch in pain a bit. "OW!!!" Said Both hedgehogs with a yelp before they look at each other concerned.

"You ok, Zero?" Dominic asked. Zero just looked at him as he rubbed his ear. "Why do you ask?" He said with a confused tone, Dom frowned as he shook the pain off his hand "when you shocked me, you flinched like I pinched you or something" he said "did you cut your ear at the baseball field or—" " no it's not that" Zero said with a sigh "it's just...." Zero paused as he blushes blood red in embarrassment.

"Well, I was 'the runt of the litter', that's just what my older brother usually calls me."  Zero said finally "but I was The only one who was born with extraordinary powers! But because I was the youngest in the weakest of all my siblings, these powers that are supposed to keep me safe were too much for my body. If I let them out forcefully I would get weak, like dying weak. Most the time I would pass out unconscious like coma unconscious only for a couple of days, but if I actually let out my powers like to kill someone or if I'm injured and I use my powers then, then it'll.....I can't really explain it." "You mean....." Dom said with trembling lips "you know like.......kick the bucket?" Zero sighed and nodded.

"Well.......can I tickle" asked Dominic as he tickled Zero under his armpits as the small hedgehog laughs uncontrollably as he and Dom playfully wrestle each other again but this time Lightning Spark come out of Zero's body.

But after that, Zero and Dominic went back outside for another game of baseball. But during the game, Zero Wasn't really focussing on the game because he is worried that his powers may come out unexpectedly during the game. "are you sure you're OK, Zero?" Dom asked in a concerned tone, Zero sighed as he looked at him With a sad look "yeah, yeah. I'm ok. It's just I'm scared that I may accidentally let out my powers and pass out in front of you!"

Dom smiled calmly "Don't worry Z! if you pass out, i'll just bring you inside and maybe use some smelling salts to wake you up."

"you could try but it won't be easy because like I said before, as soon as I pass out, I will be in a small coma for a while."

"Well if the smelling salts don't work, I'll just let you rest. But don't worry, that's not gonna happen"

Zero smiled as He, as the pitcher, throws the ball and Dom, as the batter, smacked it with the bat, scoring a homerun.......

To be continued.....

Zero to Movie Hero. ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz