Chapter 7: Trauma after death

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Zero's Pov

"I~ ~e go~~a w~ke up?" A male voice mumbled in the darkness. "I d~n't kn~w, RJ" James's voice echoes as a light begins to peek through the dark "I th~nk he n~~ds m~re—" "Wait! I think he's waking up!" Dash's voice added as the clearest as the light flickers on and off. It turns out that the darkness were closed eyes and the light or the things around them. Zero was waking up.

"What the....heck?" Zero thought in his head as he begins to open his eyes and regain his senses. Zero then saw his friends and an orange fox with blue eyes in his blurry vision. Z tried to get up but was too weak to do. "Hey Z" Lola said in a kind and cooing voice "you should rest up for a couple of days"

Zero lifted his head just a smidge as he looked at everyone with a groggy look "for how long was I out?" Zero groaned, still feeling a bit drugged from the amount of energy that he lost at the baseball field.

Dash sat next to him "For almost a month!" He said with the worried look "we found you unconscious in Dominic's baseball field! you had us really worried Z" "I don't mean to make you worried" Zero replied in a weak voice as he tries to lift himself from the bed to see where he was. He was in a house but it wasn't Dominic's And he was in a large bed room with several tools on the wall.

"Hey" the orange fox finally spoke up as he clears his throat "sorry about my messy room. I was thinking about cleaning it up but I was busy lately and—" "Oh, it's fine!" Zero chuckled "but I didn't catch you name" "oh uh, RJ" The fox said "and my brother is supposed to be the actor for Movie Tails, but he got sick and they cancelled the idea." "I am so sorry" Zero apologizes, RJ smiles slightly "it's OK" he said.

When Zero was about to say something else, he feels a large pain on his ankle as he felt a gentle pressure on his chest as a pretty black women pushed him back down. "Stay down, Z!" She cooed "It'll take a while for that fractured ankle to heal" It was Tika, the actor for Maddie, the wife of Tom (James's character). Zero just sat up again anyways and looked under the covers and saw his ankle all bandaged up, Some of his blood from the gunshot wound from Steve was bleeding through.

Zero looked around one more time before he realized the Dominic was not there. "Where's Dom?" Zero asked "is he ok?" The looks on everyone's faces when Zero asked that question sent Shivers down his spine. "you mean you don't remember?" Dash asked. Zero sadly nodded. James sighed "there was a sniper attack at the movie set.....and Dominic was shot."

Zero just stares at James in complete shock "But is he gonna to be ok?" Zero asked, still having auvuh it hope that Dominic is still alive "even if he's in a coma, I just want to know if he's gonna make it!"

James sighs again and shook his head "I'm sorry, Zero" he said "the doctors did the best they could but.........he's gone."

Those last two words struck Zero like 1000 bullets as he stares at everyone in shock. his site begins to blur and he felt like he couldn't breathe. " y-you mean Dominic's dead?" Zero question in the trembling voice.

Everyone tries to comfort him, But all voices were just echos in his ears as he begins to feel hot. "I'm gonna go back in the streets...." He mumbled "I-i'm gonna be alone again.......all a-alone......f-forever....." "Zero! That's not true!" Dash's voice echoed as everything in Zero's site goes dark again.

Zero Open his eyes again to see himself In Dom's bed again. As Zero lifts himself of the bed, he then sees A familiar someone in the kitchen. Zero walked towards him and saw Who it was.

"D-Dominic?" Zero gasped "y-you're alive!" "No" Dominic said with a sigh "you are mistaken, Zero" Zero knew that Dominic was right when he saw a fresh scar on his chest where the gunshot wound was. Zero looked away from Dom, not wanting to get flashbacks of that terrible experience of losing his friend.

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