Chapter 8: A new "era".

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Zero's Pov (first person)

It had been a week since I woke up from my overusing Power knockout and re-finding out about Dominc's Death, everything ..........well
........changed after that. One thing that didn't change is that I'm still recovering from Both the trauma of losing my best friend and My ankle injury caused by both Steve and me overusing of my powers. My ankle feeling a bit better but I'm in crutches for the time being.

But even though I'm completely re-charged from my power overuse, I still couldn't get a bed, The only thing that I want to do was sleep. James, Who kind of became my father figure, saw this and called a psychiatrist for me who called out but I was suffering from depression from grief, which makes sense because when I first wake up, I always thought that Dominic was in the kitchen or gone to work early, but when I become completely awake, I realized again that he was gone.

Anyways I take my medication that the psychiatrist gave me and everything was going fine but I was still heartbroken for Dom's death. I know a lot of people criticized him for looking ugly, but still....... he was my best friend and He didn't deserve to die!

Anyways I just sat on the couch looking at the weather until Dash zoomed beside me which startled me just a bit. "Hey Z!" Dash said, "hey Dash" I greeted softly. "how are you feeling?" He asked, I just smiled softly at him "better..."

"you still thinking about Dom?" Dash asked with a frown. I sighed and nodded "i'm also thinking about the movie, Dash" I said "with Dominic gone, who is going to be movie Sonic now?"

"that's why I came!" Dash replied almost suddenly. I swiftly turn to him which shock in my eyes as he held a flyer.

"what's this?" I asked him as I took the flyer and read through it. It was for young hedgehogs 13 or older who would want to be the new movie sonic.

"They're right now looking for a replacement for Dom" Said Dash "and I thought that you would be interested know.......taking his place...."

I just looked at Dash with a sad look as I shook my head "I don't think I can do it, Dash" I replied sadly "I just can't!"

"Zero. This would be a good chance to prove to Steve that you are more than just the coffee guy" Dash bagged slightly "and I know that you're also a really good actor! Like seriously you did a really good job in that scene with the fish on your head!"

"Dash's right" James added as he sat next to me "if we don't find a good actor for movie sonic, this movie will be cancelled........forever."


Before I could say even more, James nodded sadly. Anger surges to my body as I stood up, ignoring the pain in my ankle all together. "W-WHY WOULD STEVE DO THIS?!?!" I angrily questioned "first he tried to overtire me. Then he tried to kill me and shot my ankle and NOW THIS?!?!"

"Zero, just calm dow—" Dash said as he tried to call me down but I quickly cut him off. "no, what about you shut the frigg up Dash!" I snarled "no it should replace Dom like that! NO ON—" before I could yell even more, I felt a large pain in my ankle as I collapsed on the ground with a painful yelp. James caught me and placed me back on the couch as I gridded my teeth a bit in pain. But as my site begins to clear up, I saw Dash with his eyes starting to tear up, making me regret the way I spoke to him.

"Hey Dash, I—" before I could talk to him, Dash zoomed out of the house in tears. I said nothing after that and went on back to my room. James tries to talk to me but I just ignored him as I shut the door behind me.

I just feel so guilty for how I yelled that Dash like that, I told him to shut up and everything. I felt absolutely useless ever since Dom died, he made me confident and courageous and helped me with my shyness, but now with him gone, I felt like I was back on the streets, alone........forever.

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