Chapter 2: New home

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After the hour of Sonic's arrest, Dominic was driving back after met a young, physically and emotionally scarred hedgehog named Zero who was unfortunately both homeless and an orphan. He was just 14 (soon 15) and he looked a lot like him.....but a lot more handsome. Even though he said that he was not ugly, Dom still feels ugly ever since Sonic criticized him.

Anyways, as Dominic parked his car in his parking lot, he turns to Zero who was in the back seat, trying to stay awake. Dom smiled at him as he got out of the car and opened the back door for Zero.

"Hey kid. You ok?" Dom asked in a concerned tone "Can you walk?" "Yeah." Zero replied with a small yawn "I'm fine." Dominic just looked at him still feeling very concerned about him. "I can carry you if you're too tried to walk." He said. "I said I'm fine, Dom." Zero said in a bit of a tired and snappier tone.

As Zero hopped out of the car, The last thing he did was stare in awe when he saw the house. Even though Dom was The actor for Movie Sonic, the truth is that he don't have like a celebrity house, he kind of got a modern house. "Dom" Zero began "not to be rude, but I was expecting your house to be a bit more fancier, but it's good enough"

Dominic didn't say anything to him for saying that because like come on, he's just a teenager, no one his age would mean to say something insulting to anyone. But when the two hedgehog got into the house, Zero blew up. No, not literally he blew up. He was very surprised and happy to see that the inside of Dominic's house was kind of like the insides of a celebrity house. He was so happy that he ran around the house as fast as Sonic (speak of the blue devil). "OH MY GOD!!!! THIS PLACE IS SO COOL!!!!!!" Zero howled with lots of excitement in his voice. Dom chuckled a bit "Well there's a few holes in the ceiling which causes leaks, but it's home."

But Zero wasn't listening because he was too busy exploring the house. After exploring all the house he gets up on the couch and started doing a silly dance which made Dom snicker a bit.

"what is that dance called again?" Dominic asked a bit of a chuckle in his voice. Zero laughs "It's called "The Floss" DUH!!!!"
"hahaha! I'm sorry!" Dom apologized between giggles "It's just that makes me laugh!" "I know! Right!?" Zero smiled, still in his floss dance. Both hedgehogs laugh it out until Zero finally stops flossing.

"so......" Don began as he sat next to Zero "what do you think?" Zero smiles "I......I love it!!!!"

"Really?" Dom said with shock but it quickly turned back into a smile "Well, I'm glad you like it!

"so...." Zero begin "how long am I going to stay here?"

Dominic smirked "You don't need to ask."

"what do you mean?" Zero asked with a cocked eyebrow. Dom just smiled "You can stay here as long as you want, kid." Zero's eyes then again lit up "REALLY?!" "HOWEVER" Dom said in a serious tone as he pointed at him "can't stay here for free. You gotta work for it."

Zero just smirked "Are you kidding?" He chuckled "I've been through many jobs but I got fired from all of them. Sometimes it's from my ugly look due to my "battle scars" but Most of the time it's because of me me doing something stupid." Zero then sniffles a bit after that. Dom didn't know if the sniffles were from a cold or from sadness.

Dominic then returned a smile "don't worry kid I'm not gonna kick you out if you do something stupid" He said with a chuckle "I'm not gonna kick you out at all. Maybe until you get back on your feet, but you're not going back on those cold streets. You might catch a cold."

But as Dom said it, Zero then sneezes quietly and shivers a bit. Dominic looked at him with a concerned look."you OK kid?" He asked.

Zero looks at him as he shivers a bit "Yes I'm f-f-fine D-Dom." He trembled "I'm j-just a bit c-c-cold from the rain. B-But I'll s-survive, don't-t-t w-worry." Zero then giggles before sneezing again, this time it made him groan a bit in a sickly way.

Being the kind and concerned hedgehog as he was, Dom grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Zero as he begins to warm him up. Zero smiles weakly at him before leaning his head on Dom's body as he quickly dozed off. When he was asleep, Dom carefully picked Zero up with the blanket still wrapped around him as he carried him to the guest room where he tucks him in for the night. Dom smiles one last time at Zero's sleeping image before leaving the room.

As Dominic was about to walk into his room, Dominic then noticed Zero's little bag in the edge of the couch. He walks towards it has he picked it up and took a peek in the bag. He saw a picture of Zero when he was younger, a book and a pencil.......and a little brown bag that says "emergencys only". Dominic picked it up and looked inside a little bag.........and saw several small golden rings inside.

Knowing that Zero may find out that he was snooping in his bag, Dominic zip the bag back up before walking into his room and getting ready for bed. Before he climbed into bed he saw Zero still sleeping in the other room. He smiled at him one last time before he climbing into bed.

"Don't worry kid." He thought before dozing off "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.........I promise."

To be continued......

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