Chapter 12: Limbo

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Zero's pov


Nothing but darkness surrounded Zero like a blanket.......until he opens his eyes.

He finds himself on a couch.....which looks very familiar. He looks around and realizes that....he was in Dominic's house—a place that he never been to ever since Dom died.

As he walks around, he sees a familiar figure at the back door where the baseball field is to. Zero looked closely and saw was Dominic— his best friend that he lost a half a year ago.

"Hey Z!" Dom spoke with a smile "how's it going?" "D-Dominic?" Zero replies quietly as he begins to approach Dominic. Dominic smile faded as Zero got even more closer to him "Zero! Don't go in closer!" He said in a worried tone. Zero paused as he looked at Dominic with a cocked brow "why?" "I-It's not your time..." said Dominic sadly. "What are you talking abou—" As Zero took another step towards Dom, he started to feel lightheaded as his site began to blur. Before he knew it, Zero collapsed on the floor with Dominic calling out to him as Z blacks out instantly when he hit the floor with a thud.
Sonic's pov

As Sonic and the gang sat in the waiting room he saw doctors zooming past him as a rushed to Zero's hospital room as he hears heart Monitors going off but in a bad way. "W-What's going on?!" Sonic asked with panic "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ZERO?!?!"

————— Several hours later.....—————

After that experience, Sonic did nothing but twiddle his fingers, wondering if Zero is going to be OK, Or, in other words, will he make it? Zero's gunshot wound was more worse then Dom's and he did not survive his wound, that is what the Doctor said as he compared both gunshot wounds with each other. As for Boomer, the bullet he took had hit his shoulder, but was just minor

A few more minutes has passed and the doctor walked up to them. Sonic looks up at him with worry in his his eyes "How's Zero?" He asked. The doctor sighed "he's in a coma...." he said which shock everyone "he suffered from a severe cardiac arrest and internal bleeding in his hip where the gunshot was to" "but is he gonna be ok?" James asked, "yeah!" Jim broke in "is he even gonna wake up?" "JIM!!!!" Everyone scolded him so he wouldn't scare Dash and Sonic even more "We don't know for sure" said the doctor with a sigh "but The best thing to do right now is hope for the best, but prepare for the worst"

Sonic just looks at his hands in guilt........Zero, his hero, was in a coma. He can't even imagine losing him after what he did for him. He bailed him out of jail of course, but he also forgave him and made the movie of his dreams a thing, a good thing. His life was changed ever since he met Zero.......and now it's going backwards again. "But can I see him?" Sonic asked softly. The doctor nods "but you can't go in the room" he reformed. Sonic nods as he follows the doctor to Zero's room, There he saw Zero, unconscious.

He was connected to wires, tubes and a blood transfusion........and he looked weak and sick. It was like he was already dead. Sonic felt tears forming in his eyes when he saw Zero like this. He wanted to run to Zero and hug him but he couldn't, knowing that he will be in trouble for that. So he just ran out of the hospital, feeling a horrible pain in his chest as tears blurred his vision. The rain was pouring out of the sky making the blue hedgehog's fur wet......even though he was already wet with his tears.
Zero's pov

Zero slowly opens his eyes once again, finding himself in the guest room. His head was aching but not enough for him to pass out again. "Hey Bud!" a familiar voice spoke beside him "you just wakein' up?" It was Dom. Zero could do nothing but sigh in relief as he tries to get up to hug Dominic but hesitates, worried that he may black out again. Dom just smiles and spreads out his arms, waiting for a hug. Zero then jumped out of bed and hugged him really tight. As he hugged his old friend, something slipped into his mind; Is he dead? How did he get back to Dom's place and how is Dom here if he's dead?

"where am I?" Zero asked cautiously "am I.......dead?" When Zero asked that question, Dominic just looked at him with a sad look "i'm afraid so...." he replied which said shivers down Z's spine "BUT you're not completely. You are right now in Limbo, between Life and Death" "I......I don't want to die...." Zero stutters "What about James and Dash.......and Sonic?" "That is a question you need to figure out on your own" Dominic explained "you need to choose: Life or Death?" "well that's a easy question!" Zero spoke with a crack in his voice " I definitely choose life! I need to go back with my friends if I die, everyone will be so traumatized over my death exactly like yours and....." before Zero could say anymore he felt heavy tears flow down his cheeks as he thought about all the good times he and his friends had. How he forgave Sonic for his mistake and how Dominic made him who he was.

Dominic just looked at him with his usual smirk "now hold your horses Z" Dominic chuckled "your body still needs some time to heal. You suffered from internal bleeding and cardiac arrest. It'll take a while for your body to completely recharge" Zero didn't say anything after that as he hugged his deceased friend again, he always wanted to do this after Dominic's death if he wasn't unconscious during Dom's funeral. Dom hugs him back with tears flowing down his cheeks as well; showing that he misses Zero as well and he wanted him to come with him but it was Z's choice......and not his.

As Zero buries his tearful face in Dominic's shoulder, he felt Dom put something in his right hand. Zero looked over and saw a little silver key necklace in his hand. It was the size of a normal key and it had a Yellow Topaz jewel (Dominic's birthstone) in the middle.

 It was the size of a normal key and it had a Yellow Topaz jewel (Dominic's birthstone) in the middle

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"what is this?"

"this is the key to the front door" Dom explained as he points to the front door with his thumb "that's the doorway to life. So if you want to go, just put the key through the lock.........and go on."

Zero thought for a minute. He couldn't just leave automatically without saying a proper goodbye to Dominic and besides his body need to heal a bit more anyway. So zero just placed the key around his neck and looked at Dominic with a smile. "i'm not going anywhere yet" he said "I'll like to stay with you in limbo for a couple more hours maybe for a couple more days"

Dom just smiled at his old friend, proud that this used to be timid and homeless hedgehog that he found in the streets half a year ago is now a wise and kind celebrity who is famous all around not just Hollywood but the world (at such a young age).

Dominic then placed a friendly hand on Zero's shoulder "so......." he began "what do you want to do?"

Zero curled his lip in thought "well......"

To be continued........

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