Chapter 5: Overtried

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⚠️ This chapter contains mature themes such as Minor Mild Language.
Viewer discretion is advised!


Dominic's Pov

It's has been 6 weeks since Zero got the job as the coffee guy and he met many friends along the way. One of his best friends, along with Dom of course, was Dash and Zero pretty much became his brother figure. But there was one problem: Steve hates Zero and pretty much hates Dominic because of it. But Dom couldn't blame on any of them because Zero didn't do anything wrong and Steve was just a jerky grumpy old man, that's all.

But one thing that Steve done to Zero which made Dominic grimace was that Zero worked really hard on making Steve's coffee perfect and Steve just spilled it all over him and gave poor Zero a large burn on his forearm. Now Zero has a large bandage on his arm because of it.

Anyways, that's not the only cruel thing that Steve does to Zero. He also makes him work full 22 hours a day, only giving him a 2 hour break. After that, Zero was not his cheerful self anymore. He is now always tired and is a bit more snappy towards Dominic.

But one night, when was about to was about to watch a movie on his showbox, Zero just came back home from work, even more tired then ever. Dominic's eyes meant Zero's tired one as he looks at the small hedgehog with a bit of a concerned look.

"Hey Z!" Dominic said "how was wor—" "Terrible!" Zero grumbled tiredly "Steve made me mop, dust and clean the whole building today! EVEN HIS SHOES!!!" Dominic just scowled at his hands. "I just don't know what's up with him with you" Dom smears quietly but loud enough for Zero to hear "it's like he knows you somehow and—" "maybe because I'm a just a giant piece of dirt!" Zero smeared, cutting Dominic off "I'm just a dirty homeless person! That's what I am!" Dominic then looks at Zero in shock when he said that "Zero!" Dominic gasps "you are NOT that!"

"Well YOUR STUPID DIRECTOR SAID THAT TO ME!!!!" Zero snapped angrily "He said that I was a disgrace and that NO ONE wants to see me BECAUSE I'M AN UGLY HOMELESS DIRTBAG!!!"

Dominic sighed when he hear the exact words that Zero said—the same nasty words that Sonic said to him. "Zero. w-why didn't you tell me?" Dominic asked with a concerned look.

Zero just glared at him in a bit annoyed way. "It's not like you will care if I was scourged next time!" Zero smeared "I just didn't wanna bother you!"

"Z! You can tell me stuff!" Dominic said his voice is a bit serious now "I won't be bothered by that!"

"WHAT IF YOU'RE WRONG!!!!" Zero snarled, his heterochromia eyes were starting to grow a bit electric blue A small bolts of lightning began lighting up his fur "WHAT IF YOU JUST FREEZE LIKE AN IDIOT AND WATCH ME SUFFER LIKE THAT!"

Dom just stared in shock at his angry friend but soon enough Zero quickly calms down and almost collapsed due to both exhaustion and the pain from his powers pouring out of him. Zero then sighs and slumped on the couch, looking at his hands in guilt " I just....." he began as tears began running down his cheeks "I just want to be a good person.......and a good friend."

Dominic just smiles at him as he pulls Zero closer to him. "You are not good!" He said while cuddling Zero tight "you're super!"

Zero didn't answer, but instead lets out a small snore as he quickly falls asleep on Dom's side. He had very dark circles under his eyes and his ears drooped weakly. Dominic then picks up his sleeping friend in his arms as Zero's limp head lays tiredly on Dom's shoulder. "Ok. Bedtime bud" Dom said, ".......I'm not......sleepy......." Zero moans in his sleep with his ear twitching slightly. Dom just chuckles quietly "Sure kid" he said as he took Zero into his room for the night.
Several hours later....

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