Chapter 4: First day cont.

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Why everybody looking at me like that?

After Rife threw his arm over my shoulder, I started getting weird looks from everybody. He paid it no mind and dapped up a few people and introduced me to a few of his basketball friends. Once we got to Sports Marketing, there was a line out of the door.

"Well we here, this class easy so you ain't gotta worry about it that much. Mr. Gleason must be assigning seats."

"Thank you for walking me to class." He swung my arms, smiling.

"Ain't no problem, do you need any help getting to your next class?" I checked my phone seeing that it was English.

"Nah I think I'm good, I got English with Koi. She said she'd meet me by the doors." I said matching his smile.

"Ight, but if you ever need me to walk you, my class around the corner, okay?" I nodded my head and he gave me a hug before jogging to his class.

"Miss Day, please join Miss Mohamed in the back." I nodded at him and joined the girl sitting on a stool in the back of the class.

I passed Halle and Max sitting at a table and he had a look of desperation in his eyes as I passed him. All I did was pat his shoulder and mouth "I'm so sorry" as I made my way to my seat.

The girl I was assigned to for next to seemed nice enough. A blush colored hijab decorated her head, her hands were adorned with beautifully drawn henna and more rings than I could count. Her honey toned complexion was bare, excluding the clear gloss and lashes. She waved me over with a genuine smile and I reciprocated her energy.

"Hiiii, I'm Umi. I've heard so much about you and I've been dying to meet you." I cocked my head side ways and gave her a weird look.

"Oh don't be alarmed, I'm Soma's cousin. I probably should've started with that." I let out a relieved sigh and sat down.

"Girl I thought you was a damn serial killer." I heard stifled giggles and looked to my right.

"What the hell they laughing at?" Umi rolled her eyes and brushed them off.

"Don't pay them dizzy bitches no mind, they just Halle back up dancers, they ain't popping shit but they gums. But anyway, what's up with you and superstar?" She said referring to Rife.

"Nothing really, he's the homie." I said shrugging as Mr. Gleason passed out an activity to get to know your partner.

"Okay, I'm only asking cause it's the talk of the school, with the popular kids at least."


"That nigga is a popular loner! He be with his basketball people and that's it. You got something special 'bout you shawty, especially if you got him out here walking you to class."


I thought about what Umi said for my next two classes. Everybody was treating me like I was a goddamn unicorn because of how Sharife was treating me. I hate having this much attention on me, especially when its about a boy. Soma, Umi, Koi, and Max tried to shield me from comments and long stares from our classmates but it hasn't lasted long. Luckily I haven't had to face a class alone yet, and I thanked God for his unwavering mercy.

I made my way to Bio 2 with my group of crackheads trailing behind me. We sat at a group table in the back of the room and I got a text from Sammy asking how my day had been.

"Bitch there go your nigga." Soma said nudging me.

I looked up from my phone to see Sharife in all of his glory. The simplicity of his outfit was so fine to me; a white Gucci shirt, a diamond cross, ripped jeans, and a pair of concords. He walked in with a few of the friends he introduced me to earlier, a hard mug on display. His face softened when he saw me and his friends followed him to the table next to ours.

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