Chapter 13: Blackmail

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"You good?"

Soma asked Koi while leaning against the lockers as Koi put everything in hers, getting ready for her aiding period.

"Yeah why do you ask?"

"I mean it's been a couple days since you broke down and I just wanna make sure you straight, especially since they're kinda out there with the relationship now." She answered rubbing her friend's shoulder.

Little did they know, Halle was making her way around the corner and she heard the girls conversation; Coming to a halt, she paused her music before swiping to her camera, recording the conversation without their knowledge.

"As hard as it is, I'm really calm and taking it better than I expected. Ima keep pushing it down til the feelings go away." Koi said with a painful smile.

"Ooh this bitch has a thing for Sharife" Halle thought as she held her hand over her mouth, muffling any sound that could possibly come out and expose her snooping.

"Koi that's not healthy, I don't think Vani would stop being your friend because you like her. If anything it'll be awkward but she'd still have love for you. Plus, who knows, she might be bisexual too; Hell, all she talks about is fucking and marrying Kehlani or Rihanna. Plus she acts super gay with us and Rife's sisters, so all I'm saying is don't count yourself out babes." Koi nodded her head and Soma instantly felt worse for her best friend.

"Now, I gotta go cause I'm already late as shit but remember what I said okay? I love you." Soma said hugging Koi and kissing her cheek before walking out of the building to her Pre-calc class.

Koi stood at her locker and thought to herself for a moment when she heard Halle's wedges click against the tile floor and her hands snap together. She was shook to her core, praying that Halle didn't hear any of the conversation that she just had; But despite the feeling in her chest, she held a strong face, highly annoyed by Halle's presence.

"Poor Koi, always the third wheel when it came to Soma and Max, then Umi and Davonta, and now Sharife and Avani. How does it feel, knowing that you're the only one out of the group that's not wanted?" Halle sneered at Koi, making her heart beat faster and her breathing shallow.

"Girl get the fuck out of my face before I bust you in your lip next. You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about." Koi said slamming her locker and pushing past the smirking girl.

"Oh really, well I know, for a fact, that you want Avani and I know she's never gonna give you a chance to even kiss her bare ass, let alone date her."

Koi stopped dead in her tracks, spinning around and striding towards the girl, fist balled, ready to knock her shit loose. Just as she was about to give Halle the ass-whooping of a lifetime, Halle pressed play on the audio, Koi's voice booming through the corridor; She ceased her movements and a look of content graced Halle's face. The spiteful girl paused the video and smiled.

"Like I said, I know it for a fact."

"I should beat your fucking ass." Koi said, nostrils flaring.

"But you won't, now, I have a proposal for you. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Once you do what I ask, I'll get rid of the video; You step out of line and with one click, everybody will know."

"What the hell do you want from me you evil ass bitch?" Koi said, as her throat tightened, tears of anger threatening to spill.

"You help me break them up, you get to stay in the closet as long as you want, shit you might even get Avani to find you desirable; You don't help, well, you can consider me the coordinator of your coming out party."

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