Chapter 6: Wearin' You Down

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Happy belated birthday to my favorite boys 🥰❤️



"Hey boo, how you doing today?" Sharife said snaking his arms around my waist.

"It's 7:30 on a Monday morning, I'm tired as shit. I spent all night putting up baby stuff." I yawned, leaning against my truck.

"Awwww, poor baby. You know what'll make you feel better?" He said with a smirk playing on his face.

"What?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Letting me take you out this weekend."

"No." I held back a laugh as I walked away from him but he grabbed my book bag, halting my movement.

"Long arm having ass hoe."

"Shut up." He threw his arm over me and walked us into the school.


"BRO QUIT TICKLING ME YOU FUCKING CRACKHEAD!" I screamed with tears falling from my eyes.

"You gone lemme take you out this weekend?" He said, stopping his movements so I could breathe and answer.

I reached my hand up to touch his face and brought him down to me.


I mushed his head and got up, running into Soma's bathroom, locking the door and leaning against it to catch my breath. I heard him reach the door, banging on it trying to catch his breath with me.

"You think it's funny, but ima getcho' ass Vani!"


"Vani just let fatass have one of your bags of  cheezits." Umi said rolling her eyes.

"No cause what I'm supposed to eat at practice."

"Woooowww, after everything we've been through and how much I've shared with you, you don't wanna give me a bag of cheezits so I don't starve? I can't believe you." Max said pouting.

"You ate two chicken sandwiches Max."

"Okay and?"

I was about to reach over the table to smack him when I felt somebody tap me. I looked up to see Randy big ass smiling down at me.

"What's up witchu' folks?" He pulled a folded note from out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"This is from the homie, can you read it and give his fat head ass an answer pleaassseee." He said swaying back and forth with his hands behind his back.

"Do you know what it says?"

"No he wouldn't let me open it."

I opened it and giggled once I saw the message within it.

Will you PLEASE let me take you out this weekend?

Yes or Yes again
(I ain't taking no for a answer no more)

I wrote down my answer and handed it back to Randy. I watched him walk over to Sharife and hand it to him. I watched Sharife rub his hands and open the paper. I couldn't control my laughter when I saw his jaw drop. He slipped the note into his pocket and pulled out his phone. I didn't even need to see who it was to know it was him.

Really Vani🙄 yo ass play too much


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