Chapter 12: Jealous

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"Whatchu mean you coming late?" Sharife asked as I looked at the ceiling of his car.

"Boy I have a doctors appointment, I'll be there before fourth period." I said pulling my hair up into a ponytail.

"You ready?" Autumn asked standing at my door with True on her hip.

"Yeah, go 'head and buckle True in. I'll be down there in a second." I said tossing her my keys.

I heard Sharife quietly rapping along to Lil baby and smiled at the screen. We had a whole routine now. FaceTime while getting ready, do crackhead stuff in class, he'd go grab us food and we kick it in his car between our practices, he would FaceTime me when he would get home and we'd fall asleep, wake up, and do it again.

"Quit smiling you weirdo." He said getting out of his car and walking in the school.

"Fuck you Sharife, ol' mean, grumpy ass nigga." I said turning my face up at him.

"Who the fuck is ShArIfE? My name baby to you, the fuck." He said mugging me.

"Not when you being mean, yo ass is Sharife Omar. Now go to class and learn something."

"That's why I don't like you no more." He said opening his locker.

"And that's why ima start fucking with Te'a." He stopped and gave me dirtiest look, I laughed in his face and he twisted his face up even more.

"Make me come fuck you the fuck up. Don't fucking play with me."

"Mmcht don't get mad when you started it."

"Yeah yeah, just make sure yo ass is here before fourth period."

I gave him the finger and he stuck his tongue out at me; I hung up on him as I opened my car door. Autumn had her phone connected to my Bluetooth and Lucky Daye played through the speakers as we drove through Powder Springs to get to my appointment on time.


I bounced True in my lap as we sat in Waffle House waiting for our food. True babbled on about nothing and Autumn smiled as she took pictures of us. I kissed his face and he squealed when our waiter brought our food to us. I sat him on my lap and cut up his waffles before feeding them to him. I looked up to see Autumn smiling at us.

"Whatchu smiling at woman?"

"I don't think you realize how happy I am for you and how happy I am to have you around Vani."

"Whatchu mean lady, I ain't got nothing going on and I'm happy to have yo bobble head self around too." I said sipping my lemonade.

"Quit playing, yeen gotta be humble all the time Vani. Not only are you dating a superstar, you're clearly happy, you've made new friends, you're excelling with soccer and your art. I'm so glad you finally got away from toxic ass Sav-"

"No bad word mommy!"

"My bad baby, but I'm glad you got away from toxic ol' Savannah and finally found happiness. Just don't forget about us in the process." She said flipping her hair over her shoulder.

I ain't gon lie, that kinda hurted me tho cause like why would you say that

"Girl, don't ever think I would forget about you or my stink. Y'all are and have been my life for the past 12 years. I know the last couple of days I've been all over the place and I haven't spent as much time as I've wanted to but y'all will always be my babies okay?" I said reaching out, grabbing her; She shrugged and I squeezed her hand for reassurance.

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