Farm House

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The girls had begun their walk into the mountains much earlier than they had anticipated. Why? They couldn't sleep, with the exception of Lisa, who can sleep effortlessly, which her members sometimes envy.

The pinks are already making their way through the mid mountains. They are not used to this view because they used to live in the city with all of the large buildings and cars, but they find it to be less stressful.

"Why do you guys look so grumpy?" Lisa asked of her members who resembled gorillas.

"I couldn't sleep because all the bugs and mosquitoes were attacking my arms." Jennie grumbled, her voice hoarse.

"Me too." Rosé yawned, adjusting her unkempt hair.

Jisoo groaned, "Me three."

"Not me, I had the best sleep ever!" Lisa remarked vibrantly.

"Of course you did, you were practically hogging all the space, you couldn't stop moving, and you even kicked Rosé twice." Jennie muttered, glaring at the maknae.

"No, I didn't." Lisa said defensively.

"You did, and you couldn't stop snoring, and we were going to cover your face with a pillow." Rosé added, clicking her tongue.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, I DO NOT SNORE, OKAY?" Lisa exclaimed as they all groaned in frustration.

"But the truth is, you're worse than the mosquitoes." Jisoo shrugged.

"Fine, say anything you want. At least I got some sleep." Lisa grinned, proudly tossing her hair.

The older girls laughed at her.

"And why are you laughing?"

"Take a look at your upper back."

Lisa clutched her upper back and felt plenty of mosquito bites as it became itchy.

"What the?! What happened to me?" Lisa gasped, scratching her neck.

"Perhaps the mosquitoes got angry and attacked you because you were hogging all the attention in the tent." Jisoo laughed.

Lisa was unable to respond since her attention was drawn to the itching bites of insects.

They spotted a farm house not far from their tracks and went to investigate. They don't want to sleep there or anything, they only want to search for any useful supplies. The owners had obviously abandoned the property. It wasn't a large farm, and there were no animals or zombies to be found.

"Okay, one of us has to stay and watch the door. We we don't want a repeat of last time," Jennie stated, looking around at her squad.

"I'll do it." Rosé volunteered.

"I'm sorry to say this, Chip, but that's my job." Lisa said as she patted her on the shoulder.

"And, Lisa, I'm sorry to say this, but we're not going to let you go alone from now on." Jennie muttered as she patted Lisa's head.

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