A Dare To Me And Ruby

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liar-loser: To Liz... And Ruby hug your crushes!


Liz: oh boy...

Ruby: *claps hands together excitedly* let's do this!

*Ruby ran up to Jack and Allison and hugged them both*

Allison: What's this for?

Jack: yeah....

Ruby: for being there for me. <3

Liz: my turn.... *Sighs*

*Liz ran to Dark as he was making pasta and hugged him*

Dark: what the-- oh! Hey Liz!

Liz: Hi~ <3


(✘ 𝘾𝙇𝙊𝙎𝙀𝘿 ✘)Ask/Dare Me and The Septic Egos and Iplier EgosWhere stories live. Discover now