A Ask For Dark

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DarkiplierRPs: So.. Dark what do you think of Actor Mark and Liz being a couple?


Dark: Heh... It would be better if I showed you...

*Dark finds Liz hanging out with Actor Mark playing a friendly game of chess when Dark walked over and faked smiled saying*

Dark: Playing chess huh? Hey, Liz can I talk to Actor Mark alone for a moment?

Liz: Sure! I don't mind, to be continued!

*Liz exits the room as Dark sat in Liz's chair chuckling and said*

Dark: so... think you can steal Liz from me, huh?

Actor Mark: what? No, of course not, we're just friends! 

Dark: then, I'll get Liz! *fake smile*

*Dark goes to Liz and she smiled as he quietly pinned her to the wall, as she whimpered, he rubbed her cheeks and softly placed duct tape on her mouth then hugged her tight*

Dark: Your mine, nobody will take you away from me now,

*Dark teleportes away with Liz, as Actor Mark, checked on Liz and Dark and gasped at not seeing Liz or Dark and ran to warn the others*

(✘ 𝘾𝙇𝙊𝙎𝙀𝘿 ✘)Ask/Dare Me and The Septic Egos and Iplier EgosWhere stories live. Discover now