A Dare For Henrik

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liar-loser: I Dare Henrik to shrink Dr. Iplier and swallow him and take him out after 7 minutes


Dr. Iplier: huh?!

Henrik: This will be interesting!

*Henrik laughed as he shrinked Dr. Iplier as the small doctor said*

Dr. Iplier: HENRIK!!!!!!!

*Henrik grabbed Dr. Iplier and dangled over his mouth and dropped him in and licked him and swallowed Dr. Iplier*

(Long story short, Dr. Iplier stayed in Henrik's stomach.....)

(✘ 𝘾𝙇𝙊𝙎𝙀𝘿 ✘)Ask/Dare Me and The Septic Egos and Iplier EgosWhere stories live. Discover now