A Dare For GhostLiz

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Ava_cakepop:  For ghostliz: I dare you to prank on actor mark, dark, and Anti UwU


Liz: *sighs and gets up* o-ok.... *wipes tears away from my eyes*

*Liz sneaks into Marvin's room and grabs a potion*

Marvin: Hey! 

Liz: *runs out of the room quickly and drinks potion* Thanks Marvin!!

*Hours Later*

*Dark, Actor and Anti heard weird baby babbles coming from Liz's room*

Dark: The hell? *opens Liz's door*

Actor: *gasps* ummm, Liz?

Anti: Oh my god! Liz's a baby!!??

*Liz is sitting on the ground playing with her stuff animals*

Actor: uhhhhh..... OH my GOD! *holds temple*

Dark: *picks up Liz* 

*Liz hugs Dark tight* 

Anti: I think she's attached to you and also... *picks up potion bottle* she's gonna be like this for a week!

Dark and Actor: WHAT!!??!??!?!!

(✘ 𝘾𝙇𝙊𝙎𝙀𝘿 ✘)Ask/Dare Me and The Septic Egos and Iplier EgosWhere stories live. Discover now