How to begin the tale?

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You had awoken without a game..... nobody was quite sure where you were from.... but one thing was for sure! You HAD to be from a form of shooter game if any. You had a tendency to get aggressive around fighters and other people but at times you would also show other sides of yourself.... but only when you felt necessary. You would keep on poker faces... just to keep people from being concerned of the amount of injuries you've taken by joining the codes of derby games and fighter games! But you still felt like everything in the adrenaline of driving was amazing. You had a bike a (color of choice*coc*, decoration) your bike had actually been a spyder!

When you had joined the arcade you were welcomed warmly but was tying to find a more permanent home to sleep at. Vanellope Von Schweetz had given you a place to stay as long as you didn't try any funny business. You simply told her,"I prefer to fight then race i just was at derbies in the past so i kept the motorcycle." of course technically you had very small amounts of racing experience.

You had even offer to be guard to pay back for her generosity. She would always refuse saying it was fine. So you where getting bored and curious of your environment.... at times you swore you saw a racer's head trying to hide or the tail of what you thought was one of the cy-bugs from Hero's Duty! You settled one evening that you would try and find it. At the idea of thinking they were a threat.... or was it?

=w= ok there you go my 1st part of this story i'll likely continue tomorrow or on weekdays when i have time so enjoy the cliffhanger!

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