On the hunt... or hunted?

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You began your search for the mystery racer you would see on occasion.... but you had unintentionally found a cy-bug burrow.... so it WAS a cy-bug you saw. You were about to enter as you were slightly nervous saying you saw how that game works.... the cy-bugs would try to kill you and get stronger and you only knew that....nothing more really. You finally collected yourself and held your pistol in your pocket *of a jacket or jeans*.

You took the first step in and heard a hissing noise... hissing? Whatever it was it sounded to be in pain and fear. You got a tight grip on your gun. As you went deeper you noticed something that for most cy-bugs is unnatural.... there was no eggs for the beasts which you knew had to be difficult to control. You then saw the same head as before hiding....but now you could see it better though there was very little  light other then from the same area as him..."turbo?" you whispered quietly.

He looked at you with a more surprised expression though still cautious saying it was easy to tell you had a gun with you. You took this in note as you pulled it out and set it down after checking for cy-bugs. Turbo watched you do this and gave a smile which showed something that caught you off guard.... his teeth appeared sharper than they had back when you 1st saw him. Almost animal like. You continued to approach him scared of if he would attack you with the odd silence and sinister joy he gave off. You took a glance at your gun and back to him.

He appeared to be satisfied with how you continued to try and get closer rather then running back to your gun. "I mean no harm  turbo and I'm not going to hurt you without reason so I'll stop here...and you come here if you want.... understand?", you ,as calmly as you could, told him as a way to not get too close. You had heard rumors of him being corruptive and dangerous but his game in the past when.... you weren't a game character.... was your favorite but you were sick when it was unplugged.

He finally broke the silence of him not speaking as he frowned and said," If I do you'll run to the gun you put down.... so I'd rather not pal, if you don't mind?"

You took a step forward and glitched to your REAL self from outside the games. "Does this ring any bells pal?", you chuckled knowing they characters in the games could see threw the glass.

He had put a clawed hand out to keep balance as he looked at you purely shocked at seeing you again! He knew you had played him every time you would come and you had left for a long time til Mr. Litwak had told you he found a new racer game you might like to replace it.... you liked it sure but you still preferred classic games and would even pay to get them to fix, then keep them. The game he recommended was Sugar Rush and you would play as King Candy... he remembered every race with you as he stared at you.

You laughed till you watched as his head turned into an odd version of King Candy's and he came from behind the rock where he hid and softly spoke,"You mithed a lot (Y/N).... and I have to thtay here now or they will likely shut uth down"

You frowned and tried your best to stand your ground as you knew by the fact he didn't attack you he could control the part of him that was a cy-bug... you also noticed when he turned into his candy coated counter part that he used a lisp. This fascinated you to where you asked," Do you always have a lisp as King Candy or is it just habit to do as him?"

He looked confused at first till he remembered he changed his appearance. His confused expression had turned to one filled with disappointment and slight agitation as he replied, "No.... I can NOT control the whole lithp unleth I look like my old thelf and even then i thtill have one on occasion."

He watched as you struggled to hold in your laugh seeing your face made it hard for him not to laugh himself. He got closer as he seen that you weren't going to attack him for his new appearance since he still had his normal personality other then the slightest larger aggression. Saying he was now a cy-bug you just had to try and not anger him too much to stay on his good side.

You watched him approach trying again not to panic since he seemed to not want to harm you. He had picked up your gun and put it in you hand which panicked you at first to be honest, thinking he planed to adapt or evolve by eating it. As soon as he set in your hands though you gave a slight smile and thanked him. He seemed.... happier. He looked back to the entrance then to you as he knew you likely wouldn't stay saying the whole situation of a cy-bug in the wrong game.

You looked at him and thought for a moment of what to say.... he watched as you just stood there. You looked to him and smiled," See you tomorrow Turbo.... or should i say King Candy?"

He was surprised at the least then smiled and said"either ith fine, (Y/N)."

You gave him one last look then left to go home for the night... happy to see what felt like an assumed dead friend to only be found alive.

You jumped suddenly realizing you both had secrets and turned back to him to say,"And don't worry I won't tell....so we both have a secret!" you were happy to see him and turned back to your more hardcore version of yourself.

Another person to trust....

=w=' ok there is part 2 i was thinking of giving them slight split personality disorder saying they act different to some degree. i also chose this type of personality saying that turbo never had a lisp but he used one as king candy to keep him with the same voice characteristics. anyways I plan to do the next chapter around monday or tuesday so see you all then!

Cy-bug turbo/king candy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now