Awkward awakening.

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Turbo's prov(cuz it would be funny >w<)

I woke up and felt something in my arms.....Y/N!??! Wait.... oh yeah she showed up late last night. I get up careful, as not to wake her up.(yep your a girl even if your a dude i'm doing the tale as a girl ok? sorry if that bugs you...) She turned slightly but didn't wake up. "Oh thank goodness...", I whisper under my breath.

I go and get some food from a nearby stream I found that was full of Swedish fish. After my small meal I head start to head back to my home till I saw that kid again. Taffyta..... She appeared to be trying to unnoticeable get in my den till.... she fell over and just slid in. I rolled my eyes then remembered Y/n! I heard a surprised yelp and tried to quietly enter my den as I saw Taffyta begin to ramble on about something.

Your prov(since you woke up =w=)

You found yourself face to face with a dirt covered Taffyta. You yelped at her sudden entrance waking up from hearing her fall. "W-what are you doing?"

"I-I could ask you the same thing Y/n! Your in some hole sleeping like those cy-bugs! U-unless..... You are one!"

You Just woke up and she accused you of being a cy-bug?! What the hell?! You get up and notice Turbo is gone. 'Good at least he won't get caught!', you thought but spoke too soon as you hear a growl at the entrance. You try and distract Taffyta and tell her no and to keep calm. She, however, decides to panic and turn around where Turbo had entered after turning back into King Candy.

She began to get heavy breaths as you slowly approached her and put a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to you as you shushed her and kept an eye on both her and King Candy. He appeared to be behaving territorial you had noticed. He stared at Taffyta as he was holding a Swedish fish in his mouth.

You nodded at King Candy as a form of telling him you would be back. He stared at you both with narrowed eyes and let out a hissing sound as he grabbed you with one hand and continued to hiss at Taffyta. She stared at you and saw you making no attempt to fight and was puzzled. She was tempted to run but fear paralyzed her. King Candy looked to make sure you weren't injured.

Satisfied with the results he slacked slightly as he placed you down and continued to stare aggressively at Taffyta. You put your hands in front of you as you walked to the "guest" you both now had. "I assume you have a lot of questions?"

Not able to speak she just nodded. You sigh and start off, "Well you see.... I know this guy better then people think and he's still coded in the game so he respawned. After that he hid away as to survive not planning anything to my understanding and he means no harm but.... I sort of passed out here last night."

Taffyta struggled to understand but nodded to go on, trying to remain calm though there was a giant cybernetic bug in the room. King Candy was a tad nervous saying you now had to explain how you knew him before Sugar Rush was there. "B-but how did you know him i-if you showed up after h-h-him?" ,she asked as she nodded in his direction when she said 'him'.

You sigh again and show your real self. She gasps and points at you trying to find words."S-so that's your name! I remember those races!"

You laugh only to sigh as you go on, "Yeah, but I got stuck here and..... well.... you know I played longer than you were out so I was a well known person around the arcade though I normally went by N/n. I had played the game he was originally from and was sick at the time that it was unplugged. Then Mr. Litwak had showed me Sugar Rush! And I surprisingly still chose him. So...please... if you care about either of us and our safety.... please don't tell anyone...."

She was speechless. On one hand a cy-bug was there and on the other you were acting as though nothing was wrong! Then you turned out to be from outside their world so if she said anything only the gods would know what would happen! She sighed and regained her posture. You look at her with a worried expression as she gives you a scared look. "I won't tell as long as HE*pointing to King Candy* doesn't do anything that could get anybody hurt. Including you."

And with that she looked between the both of you and left. King Candy growled as he held you close to him and watched as Taffyta left. You sigh and try to calm him down as you explain that means he'll be ok. He looks at you as if he was a dog scolded for stealing the family dinner. You give a sympathetic smile and pat his back. He glares at the entrance and then gets up and goes back to his candy fish he brought.

He happily gives you it and apologizes for his behavior. You smile telling him that it was fine and thank him. You enjoy the sweet he brought you and think of what Taffyta could be telling Vanellope. You get up and tell him that you should leave as to not make people question were you've been. He reluctantly nods and hides away in a different area connected to the den.

You walk to you house and lay in you bed worn out again by the same young racer. And you can only hope that she didn't lie about keeping the secret. Or who knows what would happen to either of you?

DRAMA!!!!!!!!i'm good at it no? anyways i'll make sure to continue tomorrow unless something happens and please recommend what could happen so i don't run low on ideas.

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