Here we go again.

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You were waking up and got some f/d to wake up. As you had did you normal usual routine a knock had began on your door. 'Oh boy.... Lets see what happens now...' your thoughts groaned. You answer the door to be greeted with a smiling Vanellope. 'Ok something is definitely wrong.' "Hey Y/n! I heard you had destroyed the rumored Cy-bug!" ,she smiled in pure joy.

"Wha-"before you could ask what she was talking about you realized that Taffyta must have told her that she found you killing one and Vanellope wrapped you in a hug.

"I can't believe you were able to stop another infestation of those monsters!"

"Ye-yeah? W-well I just woke up a bit ago so what are you doing here so early?"

She paused and realized it was around 8 so the arcade would open soon. "W-well I wanted to congratulate you before I headed to the race so.... have fun!"

With that she waved and drove off.... What the fuck? The situation you were given was very.... complicated. You decided to walk to Turbo's den again to make sure that there was no evidence of anybody other than him. As you were getting closer you noticed a faint growling sound. You walked in to find him asleep seeming to be struggling in his dream-like state. You slowly approach him and pet him softly to calm him.

He almost immediately relaxes and leans into your touch in pure bliss. You try not to laugh as his purrs sound more like he was back to trying not to enjoy then as he groaned and tiredly opened his eyes. He looks at you as you pull back your hand and became flustered learning you were the one who had made his dream no longer a nightmare. "Y-your here rather early Y/n." he stammered out.

Chuckling at his embarrassment you reply,"Not really saying the arcade opens soon. Besides, it looks to me that if I DIDN'T show up you'd of still been in that ,I'm just guessing here but, nightmare?"

Silently he nodded and got up and tried not to get to close to you. You are worried of why he's putting that much space between the two of you. "Is something wrong, Turbo?"

He panics a bit and stutters trying to find the right words."W-well I think you should.... I hate to...But you thee  I'm thtill a cy-bug so I get their inthtinctth, you know that right?"

You nod, bit confused what he was talking about till he went on,"Well.... I....I'm going threw their heat theathon....."

Both of you blush as he again puts space between the two of you to prevent as much of the chances of him just grabbing you as possible. You nod and your blush deepens as he tries to hide from embarrassment and tries to stay a good distance away. You process each word he said very carefully..... wait..... heat season? Do they only make eggs at certain times? No? They just do it.... of course then perhaps if they needed to breed he likely would of said 'mating season' not 'heat season'. But their so similar! Maybe that was why his den seemed.... so... warm?

You look to him wanting to ask a TON of questions, but the look on his face told you the reply of 'I told you about as much as I know.' You were embarrassed about the.... new information..... he gave you about himself and you could tell he only told you so you wouldn't get hurt. You look around trying not to stare right at him as he seemed a bit panicked if you tried to look at him directly.

You sigh as you sit yourself down trying to understand what was going on saying the author just left and returned forgetting what she wrote about.(fourth-wall break cuz it explains why I'm late to publishing =w=') You laugh to yourself nervously as King Candy glitches back and forth between being King Candy and Turbo. This was a circumstance that you've never been in that you could recall.

You get up and Turbo watches you closely trying, oh so desperately, to keep himself in check. You sighed out, "I'll see you later though.... right?"

He nods stammering out, "I-it's just difficult a-and, *mutters under breath*oh golly, I d-don't want to hurt y-you unintentionally Y/n."

You give a sad smile and walk to the entrance. You stop before you leave looking back to him as he glitches again to King Candy still looking at you, "Bye.... and I-I'll try and come back another time.... ok?"

He nods as you walk away a blushing mess, at the thought that he was likely still trying not to chase after you. Well that was..... interesting?... Awkward?.... No... plain out, it had to be the most embarrassing thing that a guy has ever said to you in your entire life. Now you get to think about it! Hooray.


i'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry if this made you uncomfortable but I had watched the 1st movie again and remembered how he struggled at times to resist his instincts as a cy-bug. so i thought of how animals go threw heat and i can continue the story like that or skip to when he gets out of it so i'll check the comments later to see. and by later i mean tomorrow or i'll default to continue and say when the heat season chapters stop or something.... if i can. so please.... just say if there is a no or yes to the idea in your hand so i know what to right.... i'll right around noon in american time so please..... comment what you think today or tomorrow!

Cy-bug turbo/king candy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now