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It was colder, and less noisy wherever he brought you. You still feel him carrying you. You open your eyes a little but it didn't sting as much as you expected.

"I'm glad you're awake." He said, even if his voice was muffled, you could hear he was concerned. He went into an alley big enough to fit a car but dark enough that no one would see. You couldn't see what kind of car this was. He knocked in a pattern on the window of the car.

"Where are we going?" You felt choked by the chemicals that you'd inhaled a while ago. Someone opened the back of what seemed like a van. You couldn't see who it was but Tank sat you down inside, closing the van doors behind him, and the other man began to drive.

"Drink this." He put his hand at the back of your neck, putting the brim of the milk bottle on your lips. You drank the milk, thankful that the burning at the back of your throat subsided.

"You didn't answer me." You almost felt afraid to let those words leave your mouth. You looked up at him, he looked eerie as the lights that the car passed laid on his face methodically. "Where are we going?"

You hear the guy behind you chuckle. He was driving, while he was listening intently at how you talked to Tank.

"Don't talk to me like that," Tank said sternly, even when he was sitting down, he was still towering over you. You felt small. "We're going back to ours because I forgot my first aid."

You looked at the guy driving.

He's wearing the same thing.

"And I already gave mine away." The guy who was driving said, his voice also deep even if he was muffled by his mask. You could see how long his dreadlocks are, how tall he is too even if he was sitting down.

"Who are you guys, anyway?" You began to rethink your situation, feeling as if you're in danger. The events that passed your mind made you shudder.

"People are calling me Tank, so I'm going by Tank." Tank said hesitantly. When the man driving laughed, you knew why.

"You're going by 'Tank'? That's so pretentious, man." The other man couldn't stop laughing while he drove into the streets randomly (or maybe it felt random because you didn't know where "ours" was). "People are calling me Riot, that's way cooler."

Tank hovered over you to slap the back of Riot's head. "Shut up, stupid ass." You couldn't help but chuckle at them.

"Who are you laughing at?" Tank asked you, they went quiet. Tank's long index finger lifted your chip up to face him.

He was staring at you intently as if he was doing his best to intimidate you more than he already has. "N- no one." You stuttered, once again feeling so small under him, especially under his touch.

"Stop scaring the little girl, Tank." Riot said jokingly, you could feel him staring at you through the rearview mirror.

"You're not scared," Tank leaned down to whisper to your ear, his index finger trailing along your jawline until your ear, tucking the hair behind it so you could hear him properly. "Right?"

Your heart pounded once again. His touch felt so soft, but his stature was so intimidating. Even the way he talks was domineering. But you didn't mind it.

You shook your head.

"Good girl." He whispered, his hand reaching for your waist. Or at least, you thought. He put your bag beside you. What a tease.

Riot pulled up inside a garage, the light inside the room illuminated the differences of the two guys. Riot slung his heavy backpack effortlessly, leaving you and Tank alone in the car.

"Your bag is beside you, you can follow me to my room and shower there." He informed you, taking your hand to lead you out.

10 PM

"I didn't catch your name." Riot's voice was louder than the music Tank was playing even if he was outside the room. The shirt Tank let you borrow looked like a dress on you, making you look tinier than you already are.

"I'm Y/N." You shout back as you walk outside after you'd showered,


Tank sat there, on the chair beside his bed, only with his mask off. He had what seemed to be somewhat wavy or curly hair, he was just scrolling through his phone. You didn't know how long you've been standing there, admiring how pretty he looks while scrunching your hair into the towel.

"I still want you to call me Riot," Riot peaked from outside of the room. Seeing Riot wear normal clothes made him look so cozy, and his smile so warm. "okay?"

Tank cleared his throat at Riot, glaring at him. "I'm gonna go take a bath."


an: I'm sorry it's such a cliffhanger


smut in the next chap

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