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Hi! I've seen someone getting angry about this story. I just want to say that I only made this for fun. I did not intend more than me and a few friends to read this. Now I understand some of y'all's concerns and I respect you all for speaking out about it. I just want you all to know that I fully support the Black Lives Matter movement but I did not want to "romanticize" it so I didn't put it in the tags.

If you are the few people that follow my twitter account, you see how I've been openly talking about the Black Lives Matter movement, and even with the issues within my country [Junk Terror Bill, please help us sign petitions to abolish the bill that is trying to suppress the right of freedom of speech in the Philippines] and Stand with Hong Kong.

I have been doing my part educating myself and others, donating, and signing petitions. Even in the Philippines the police and government are trash to the point that if you speak against the government, you can get tagged as a terrorist. ACAB indeed.

I'm sorry for offending you, I just want you to know that I don't mean this story to be mean or whatever. I hope that the tag "fan fiction" helps explain that this is just merely imagination.

If Tank or Riot sees this, I'm sorry. I just wanted to imagine some stuff because I look up to y'all for standing up bravely. I wish I was :'( but my parents won't allow me because of how high COVID cases are here, and the police are taking people away for protesting :(

Again, I support the Black Lives Matter, I know and believe ACAB.

(Also, this has been my escape and outlet. I'm sorry, really :(( )

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