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"Do we really have to walk?" You complained, even if you were only carrying one light duffle bag and a backpack. Still, your feet hurt from all the speedwalking you'd done, turning and stopping and catching up randomly so you wouldn't be suspicious.

"Yeah, it's only one more alley and then it's ours already." Riot lightly laughed at you as he answered. "Are your little legs tired?"

You blushed out of embarrassment, he was carrying heavier stuff but it was so effortless for him. "Will Tank come back soon?" You change the subject.

He didn't answer instantly, again, in fear that he might underestimate or overestimate. He patted the keys in his pocket, checking if it was still there. "It might be a few hours?" He said as if he was asking you a question.

If Riot was confident with Tank keeping himself safe, but still unsure of how long he'll be gone, does that mean you'll be sleeping alone in Tank's room?

Thoughts were piling up in your head, still, you tried to keep yourself quiet. You didn't want to burden Riot with all of it already.

So the both of you walked in silence, you look through the neighborhood, seeing how the wind blew through the trees silently. You were far from the noise of the city, at least this place was quieter, even if you could hear the television playing from some houses you passed, some houses radiated the noise of people talking or laughing. You remember that you haven't messaged the people that were trying to contact you.

You opened your phone as you lazily walked, texting your mom that you're safe.

"Finally." You sighed in relief, seeing the house in a near distance.

Riot grinned in amusement, heading for the front door to open the locks.

You entered the house, dropping the bags next to the couch, leaping face-first on the couch. "You're that tired?" Riot asked, locking the door from the inside and taking his hoodie off.

"Mhm." You said against the pillow you were hugging. He looked at you with delight, genuinely amused.

"You should shower, I'll cook something up."

12 AM

Tank was still not back, his room felt empty after you'd showered and changed there. It almost felt sad because there was this thought at the back of your head, what if he gets caught?

Your phone rang on the nightstand.

"Hi Y/N." Your father greeted sweetly. "I wanted to check up on you."

"Hey, Papa." You smiled even if he couldn't see you. "I'm alright."

"That's good. I—" You could hear his voice crack through the line. "I'm pained by the news, what they're doing to y'all."

You sighed silently, trying not to worry him but still feeling pressured. "Yeah, it's hard to see it in real life. But I'm helping people who are hurt or tear-gassed."

You just know he was proudly smiling, even if he was troubled. "I also called because your landlord said a guy came by while you weren't around?"

Oh. You remember that Tank came by to get your stuff.

"And I don't mean to prod but, do you need better locks? Are you in trouble?" You chuckled, appreciating how caring your father was.

"I'm okay, Pa. That was a friend doing me a favor." You answered smiling, turning around when you heard the door open, thinking it was Tank.

"Who's that?" Riot mouthed, you showed him it was your father.

"Okay, Y/N. Stay safe, okay? Love you."

"Yes, Pa. Love you, too."

You smile at Riot half-heartedly. He could see that you felt gloomy, so he put his hand to your level as if was asking you to dance. "Would you like to keep me company in my room?" He asked, waiting for you to take his hand.

You appreciated the gesture, so you accepted. Not knowing that when you put your hand on his, he'd pull your arm over his shoulder to lean down and hug you. "I'm sorry for putting you into so much stress today." He said while his chin on top of your head as his arms loosely embracing you.

"It's not your fault." You sighed, feeling comforted by his warmth and softness. It felt so nice being in his arms, for a moment today you felt so at peace.

2 AM

Riot was still in front of his computer, he'd been saying that he's doing work for the past hour as an excuse to be up and wait for Tank. You were heavy-eyed, also fighting sleep to wait up for the boy that's been out for four hours already instead of an hour.

You shuffled deeper into the sheets, putting it over your head in an attempt to shut your worries out and sleep. "Do you want me to dim the lights?" Riot asked.

"But aren't you still working on something?"

"Not anymore." He walked to the light switch and dimmed it while having an inner debate whether to lay beside you or just be on his chair.

"May I?" He broke the silence.

You laughed, "This is your bed, Riot." He smiled at you, laying on his back while he fixed the covers over him.

You were staring at the ceiling, the faint songs playing in Riot's computer filled the room. "I wasn't exactly doing anything important." He confessed, also staring at the ceiling as he tried to avoid the sad face you made at him.

"You're worried, too." You murmured under your breath.

He hesitated, "I just don't want to say that I am."

You looked at him, he didn't seem to be as angry or as turbulent as Tank. He was so at ease even if he had thoughts racing in his head. You studied his side profile, it was only now that you actually see who he is behind his mask. He seemed to be the kind of person that would be levelheaded no matter what, the kind of person that strives for peace.

"Why's Tank the way he is?" You didn't mean for the question to slip out of your mouth.

He chuckled at your question, "You should ask him, he doesn't appreciate it when I explain why he is the way he is or even who he is."

"Why are you the way that you are?" You wanted him to talk more.

He looked at you, "I am the way I am because of the people I love." He smiled, laying on his side so his eyes could meet yours. The raising thoughts that were taking space in both of your heads seem to quiet down one by one.

"You sound like you're in a movie." You whispered, earning a small chuckle from him. "A little cheesy."

He reached up to gently move strands of your hair from your face, so he could have a better look at how comfortable you become as each second passed by. "At least, I'm feeling a little better."

He looked at you like he was trying to mentally capture this moment. "Would I sound weak—" He was uncertain with his question, but he couldn't stop since he'd already started. "If I ask for a hug?"

You pouted at him in awe, reaching for him.

"Stay for a while, Y/N."



double update tonight hehe maybe or may not be some stuff 

((ps. no getting mad @ the next chap forgive me in advance jsnsdfngjiegj))

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