The Beginning

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After defeating Horde Prime, the best friends squad decides to return to bright moon.Along the way many people thanked the heroes for saving the world. Everyone felt a sense of peace,no one had to worry more about being taken into space or being attacked by the horde, since they accepted a peace agreement.
Upon arriving at the Castle, Glimmer wanted to take a guided tour for Catra, because she had never been there. For someone who doesn't know the place it was easy to get lost there.

Catra just agreed and followed them.

"This is the kitchen. Here we make meals and stuff. It's pretty big. Oh and sometimes we bake cakes! They're delicious,have you tasted one?"- Glimmer asked excited

"Not really... The Horde never had these things. And I didn't eat that when we were in space."

"WHAT?! YOU NEVER ATE CAKE?WHAT KIND OF CHILDHOOD DID YOU HAVE?!"Bow was shocked to hear what Catra had said. He knew the Horde wasn't a rainbow place, but it was still hard to believe.

"Trust me, you don't want to know. Anyway, let's continue this visit."

The four of them left the kitchen and entered the room where they previously planned the defenses or attacks. Glimmer didn't explain much, just pointed to the table and said she would get a chair for Catra and they continue. As they passed through a huge hallway they reached the rooms, Glimmer presented her room and Catra couldn't stop looking at her bed.

"Is that where you sleep Sparkles?"

"Yes, why?"

"It's just that... Have you ever fallen from up there?"

"Many times in fact! Once I woke up with Adora by my side and got scared and ended up falling, luckily I teleported!"

Adora gave a nervous smile trying to avoid contact with them both. Luckily Bow told them to keep going.As they left the room they entered on the other room, it was Adora's room.

"This is my room! Since you don't have one you can sleep with me. Sounds good to you?"

"Yeah sure... I mean it's nothing new so I don't mind."Catra looked at the waterfall keeping a safe distance." Is that for bathing?AM I GOING TO HAVE TO TAKE A SHOWER?!"

"Uh... No it's not for bathing, Why does everyone think it's for bathing?!"Glimmer said a little upset. She couldn't stand Adora saying that anymore and now she had to listen Catra too.

Bow, Adora and Catra laughed when they realized Glimmer was furious. She made a funny face when she was like that. They ended the visit after that moment and Glimmer and Bow left the room, leaving them alone.

"Can you believe it? The war is finally over." The blonde said, looking at the feline.

"Not really...I mean, it's good that it's finally over...but... I can't explain. It's weird I guess."

Catra went to Adora's bed and sat down, staring at the floor. Adora noticed she wasn't fine...She could see it in her eyes.
Adora knelt in front of Catra, grabbing her hands and stroked them.
Catra made a forced smile at her. She definitely wasn't fine, but she didn't want her to worry either.

"Catra... What's wrong?"

"What are you talking about? I'm fine, i've never been better!" She continued with the fake smile in the hope that Adora would believe her."I'm just confused, what's this waterfall for?"

"I have no idea... I don't understand either"She noticed what Catra was trying to do. She tried to change the conversation, but Adora wasn't going to fall for it."Catra please... I know you're not ok... I can see it in your eyes! Please tell me what's wrong."

Catra kept her mouth shut for a moment... Until she took a deep breath and started to talk."I'm scared..."

"Scared of what?"

"Of losing you again... I'm afraid that this is just a dream. And when I wake up, I won't have you by my side..."

"That's not going to happen Catra! I will never leave you again!"

"You promise?..."

"I promise!"

They hugged each other and Adora gently kissed Catra. They stayed a few minutes in that position, none of them wanted to let go. They could finally rest without having to worry about hurting each other. That feeling was good.



"I love you"

"I love you too"

Suddenly Glimmer teleported to Adora's room and saw them both hugging in her bed. Catra and Adora stared at her.

"Oh oops sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt whatever this is."

"Yo Sparkles you don't know how to use the door?! They were made for some reason."

"yeah you're right, totally right! Sorry eh eh, I was just excited."

"Did something happen, Glimmer?" Adora asked, a little confused.

"Well... Yes, it did! Since today is the first day of Catra in the Rebellion I thought we could have a party to celebrate. Me and Bow made cake!
So what do you think?"

Adora looked at Catra waiting for an answer. She shook her head in agreement

"Yayy! The party's going to be in my room! I'll be waiting for you" She said and then disappeared in a second.

Catra and Adora looked at each other and started laughing. They both thought Glimmer's excitement was funny. They got up and left the room. Heading for Glimmer's Room.

When they reached the door, Adora held catra's hand. "Ready to have fun?"

"I'm already having fun" she said as she purred.

"You're getting soft!" Adora provoked.

"Shut up idiot!" She kissed Adora, who soon began to blush."Who is soft now uh?

"I am not! Well... Maybe I am a little soft.

They both laughed and laid their foreheads against each other. After a few seconds they walked away, They held hands and opened the door, prepared to have fun that night, without worrying about anything bad happening. They both felt safe and happy at last, it was a good feeling.

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