The Party (part 2)

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All the children were awakened to begin the common training in the Horde. They were lined up in front of a mentor, who explained to them what they were going to do during training. Suddenly another mentor walked into the training room with a cat girl. He said that she was a new recruit and that she would attend practice from that moment on. The girl seemed to be scared, where had she even come from?... All the cadets were silent but confused,it was not normal to have new recruits children at that time and on top of that a different person. No one had ever seen someone like her (a cat) but no one cared that much to ask.

The mentor who brought the feline spoke to her. "You can join them now!"

The girl didn't say anything, she just hissed at him and when he tried to touch her she bit him. The man seemed very upset about what the girl had done and tried to catch her again, but she ran away from him and passed by all the cadets. After an hour, the training was over and everyone could leave. Adora, curious about the new recruit decided to go to her. She went into the dorm to look for the girl, she was in a corner crying.

"Are you all right?"

The feline quickly raised her head and hissed when she noticed that she was very close. She was really scared.

"It's all right, I won't hurt you!" Adora sat on the floor next to her, but with a distance that wouldn't make the girl feel more uncomfortable than she already was."Hello, my name is Adora! What's your name?" Adora didn't have an answer,just silence." Can you speak?"

The feline waved in agreement to Adora. She didn't make any sound for a few seconds, but she eventually gave up." C... Catra..."

"Nice to meet you Catra, beautiful name by the way! I noticed you're not very talkative, are you?

Catra was silent but Adora understood the answer." All right, you don't have to talk. Take as long as you need to feel ready.... Wouldn't you rather sit on a bed? It's more comfortable than the floor. Come on, you can sit in my bed!"

Adora got up and reached out to help the girl get up. For a moment she refused, but accepted the help seconds later. She felt safe around the girl. As they sat down, Adora smiled at Catra. By surprise, the girl smiled back. It only lasted a second but at least it was progress.

"Wait here! I'll be right back!

Adora ran out of the dorm. Catra felt scared again without her around. She watched everything around her again. She noticed the pile of beds there and wondered how many went to that dark, scary place. She also get scared by the possibilities of talking to others... Would they hurt her?! She began to tremble with fear but luckily Adora returned. She had a box with papers inside her.

"Here! I brought this for you.

"HISSS" Catra didn't know what that was, so she thought it would be a gun or something.

"Oh it's all right, this is just a box of handkerchiefs... to wipe your face. I noticed you were crying and thought this might help you"She sat next to Catra and carefully removed one of the handkerchiefs and wiped her face." See? It didn't hurt you, did it?"

Catra felt relieved...after all, that object was harmless.When Adora put the handkerchief down after she wiped her face, Catra started playing with it. Her eyes grew and she was having fun, just as Adora smiled while watching the girl play. She even joined Catra.

After a few minutes, Adora looked at Catra. "Do you want to be my friend?"

Catra purred and a big smile grew on her face."Yes!"

They both had a smile on their faces and they hugged. Catra purred even more as Adora stroked behind her ears.

"What can we do to memorize this day?"

Catra did not answer, just approached at the beginning of the bed and reflected her claws. She started scratching the bed wall until she drew both their faces.

"Wow... That's so cool! You have talent! We will be best friends forever!

" You... Promise?"

" I promise!"


" And that's how I met Adora. End of the story."She said, looking at the floor.

"Sorry Catra... I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable remembering the Horde..."

"Are you kidding Sparkles? This is one of the rare good memories I have of the Horde. It even felt good to talk about it."

"Are you sure you're ok?...

"Of course! After all I don't regret that day, and I'll never forget the day I met my favorite idiot." she winked at Adora,that made the blonde blush.

Bow looked at them both and smiled. "You guys are so cute!"


"You definitely are! When are you getting married? And when are you going to have a family?! I bet they'll be as cute as you two!"

" Ugh... Sea hawk don't start with that! You're going to make them ashamed!"

Adora and Catra started blushing whit that comment ... They didn't expect that. Everyone laughed at seeing the state of the two girls.

" Okay enough let's not play with it anymore!" Netossa said, saving them.

They continued the party for a few hours until it was late. Everyone decided it was time to go to bed and they prepared the sleeping bags. For an hour they kept telling secrets and embarrassing stories about their past. After many laughs they were able to sleep as they listened to the noise of nature outside Glimmer's window.
Adora was in her sleeping bag with Catra at her feet. After all, they still continued to sleep like this, it was comfortable for them. Nothing had changed in the way they slept. They both felt safe together.

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