The Plan

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"So, Melog found this symbol in the middle of the trees?" Netossa asked.

"Yes they did, Catra and I were looking for clues and they brought this."

"But why did they leave it there?"

"I don't know Glimmer, maybe they ripped into a branch trying to escape. Or part of it had burned and they didn't even notice it fell."

"No,It was on purpose. They left it on purpose."

"What do you mean Catra?"

"When I was the boss my gang explained to me that some thieves leave marks on the places they rob to show that that place belongs to them."

"So you think that's the case?"

"Probably. Whatever the case is, we're going to need a plan, don't you think, Sparkles?"

"yeah you're right Catra, we need a plan.So... I was thinking we could do search teams or something. Mermista, Frosta and sea hank, you can look for something about the thieves in bars!" Adora,Catra, Perfuma and Scorpia you can go to Crimson Waste to find the group. The rest will protect the kingdoms from others assaults. Do you all agree?"

"Actually... Do you think I can stay here and protect the kingdoms?"

"Why Catra?"

"I... I kind of killed someone there... The old boss. And I'm not proud of it..." she said, with a weak and low voice.

"Oh... Of course you can stay Catra, don't worry!"

Netossa whispered in Spinnerella's ear. They both nodded in agreement and Netossa decided to speak. "We can trade with her, we don't mind."

"Mhm... Ok,as long as you're both in agreement."

They both nodded and Catra thanked them with a smile. The girls smiled back. Scorpia felt a tightness in her heart, she didn't know why but she knew it was because of Catra. Perfuma put her hand in Scorpia tweezers and gave the girl a smile, she understood why Scorpia was like that so she whispered in her ears. "You can stay, don't worry I won't be mad."

"you won't?"

"Of course not! You have a big heart and I know you're worried... Besides she needs someone to talk to and you are the perfect person for that!"

"Thanks Perfuma."Scorpia stopped whispering and caught Glimmer's attention." I'm staying too, you know... To help..."

"yes I know, it's nice of you Scorpia!" Glimmer smiled at Scorpia, she was relieved that she stayed." Okay, now let's decide what each team is going to do. The team that goes to the bars,In other words, group A, try to find Double Trouble!They'll be able to help, I'm sure of it. Mermista, you're in charge!
Group B, try to find Huntara, she might know something since they were her gang. Adora you're going to be in charge!
And us, group c. Entrapta you will go look for any information we need. The rest of us will take turns to protect the kingdoms. Does anyone have anything to add?

Everyone was silent so Glimmer ended the meeting. They wanted to do everything as soon as possible so they started getting ready. Adora went to the room along with Catra and Melog. The feline sat on the bed watching the blonde prepare. They were silent for almost 10 minutes.

"I hope you're not mad at me..."

Adora raised her head with a confused expression. "Mad? Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because I'm not going with you..."

Adora looked at Catra with a smile on her face, dropped the backpack she was preparing and sat next to her. "Hey I understand, you still haven't recovered from the past, it's perfectly normal."

"You think?"

"I'm sure of it! Don't worry, i'll be back soon. Now I need to finish preparing my backpack."

Adora got up and continued to pack up. Catra was still sitting on the bed, looking at her. Melog climbed into bed and asked Catra to pet them and that's what she did but Melog looked sad as they looked at Adora.

The blonde noticed their behavior." What's wrong Catra?"

"What do you mean? I'm just watching you."

"Then why is Melog behaving like this?"she pointed at them.

" I... I don't know?! Maybe Melog wants your attention??"

" Or maybe YOU want my attention!"

Catra didn't answered to Adora's provocation,she just stayed silent and continued petting Melog. Adora approached again, this time kneeled in front of her and Catra looked away to the window.

" Catra please tell me what's wrong..."

She took a deep breath." It's just that...We don't know if these thieves are dangerous or if they're capable of hurting someone... And... And if something happens to you... I don't know if I'm going to forgive myself... Promise me you'll be safe and fine!"

Adora put her hand on Catra's shoulder and kissed her. "I promise!"

Melog climbed on top of both, which caused them to fall to the ground. They laughed while Melog licked their faces. After a few minutes they got up and Adora took her backpack and put it on her back. Adora kissed Catra one last time before leaving the room. Adora joined the team and went on her way. The other team also left, only leaving those who would defend the kingdoms.

"So... Who gets the first turn in each kingdom?" Bow asked.

"Well... Mermista has already left guards in the kingdom but you could still go there. Scorpia will protect her kingdom and Entrapta will stay in her kingdom whit Hordak and Wrong Horda, looking for something about the thieves.I will stay on Bright Moon and Catra, can go to plumeria!"

"Ugh... Fine Sparkles, I'll go over there, see you later!"Catra followed along the way and Melog went after.

"Glimmer, you sent her there on purpose, didn't you?"

"Yes, she needs to get some rest and that place is great to calm down. I just hope she will be okay."

"Me too... Well I guess I'm going"

"Same, bye Bow" They kissed and went their way.

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