... I'm Sorry...

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It was early in the morning, everyone was still sleeping... Except Catra.
She sat at the bottom of Adora's sleeping bag and took a deep breath. She rubbed her eyes and got up, leaving the room, without trying to step on anyone or wake them up.
She went to Adora's room, where she was also staying there. Catra went to the big closet and saw a lot of clothes."If she have so many clothes, why the hell does she always wear the same one?!" She thought to herself. Catra grabbed an orange T-shirt that was there and put it on. She looked out the window of Adora's room,the sun's rays hit her skin and she had a warm feeling. If Catra wanted she would stay there all day, but she didn't feel like it at that moment.
She put on some comfortable pants and left the room, towards the kitchen. Upon arriving there she decided to make coffee to stay awake after that night. She was distracted that she didn't even hear anyone coming into the kitchen.

"Up so early? You should rest."

Catra turned quickly, almost knocking the coffee machine to the ground, but King Micah caught it at the last second." Easy there tiger, it's just me."

"Oh... King Micah... I mean sir!

"Catra please, just call me Micah."

"I'm sorry, sir! I mean..."

Micah laughed at seeing the feline fooling herself many times. He gestured for Catra to step aside and offered to make her coffee while she went to sit at the counter. Catra tried to deny his help, but he was already preparing everything. She looked at a picture that was there,it was the king, glimmer and... The queen.Catra looked directly at the queen, analyzing her.

"Beautiful, right?"

"Y... Yeah, a lot actually!"... Catra didn't want to get in his life. But she was too curious, so she decided to ask." What happened to her?"

Micah was facing the wall, Catra noticed that he was sad. He took a deep breath while preparing the coffee." She's gone...they said she sacrificed herself to save the world from the Portal."

Catra was shocked... He referred to the portal she had opened...she couldn't breathe well. Catra began to tremble... she didn't like to remember the past when she did bad things. Micah landed the coffee in front of her, but she didn't drink, just looked down and her ears went down.

"Hey, what's wrong?Isn't that the coffee you like? I can always make you another one if you want."

"I... *sob*... I'm sorry...it's all my fault..."

"What are you talking about?"

"*sob* I opened the portal...*sob* I killed the queen... I destroyed your family!..."Catra grabbed her leg with her claws. Tears fell on the counter."I don't deserve this. I should have taken her place...I...i should be dead...not her!All I do is ruin people's lives..."

King Micah approached Catra. She looked at him and trembled, she thought he was going to hurt her for killing the queen. But he hugged her." It's not your fault! You have not destroyed no one's life and you have the right to be here just like everyone else! And please... Don't say you should be dead instead of her,she chosed to give her life to save others, you didn't make her!"

Catra was surprised,it was the first time she had received a hug from someone like him, she was not yet used to it. But she hugged him back, burying her head in his chest." Why don't you hate me?... I've done bad things."

"That was in the past, you changed. You should not qualify yourself for what you have done, but for what you are now! Past is past, present is now."He took a deep breath and looked into her eyes, stroking her ear." I know you grew up with Shadow Heaver... And I know what she was capable of... She mistreated you and treated you like trash. Adora told me.I have no idea what you've been through, but I'm sure it was pretty traumatic."

None of them said anything else, they just stood silent and hugged for a few minutes, until they stopped.Catra took the coffee he had prepared and purred while drinking. Micah watched her with a smile on his face.

"You know, when I walked away from shad... her, I often kept remembering and couldn't sleep, until I had a therapy lesson. Maybe you'll feel better if you have one too!To help you with all your traumas."

"I... Uh.. I'll think about it!"She didn't want to have therapy lessons, but she didn't have the guts to tell him that either.

Micah laughed and rubbed Catra's  head. They were talking for a few hours.


Adora slowly opened her eyes and noticed that the feline was not on her feet. She probably would have gotten up before, Adora thought.

"Guys, wake up! It's almost noon."

Everyone started waking up when they heard the blonde talk. They squeezed and looked at each other.

"Any plans for today Glimmer?"

"I was thinking we'd go to Mystacor,to relax."

"Sounds like a good idea... But I can't go, I have things to do." Netossa said.

Almost all the princesses would be busy, so the only ones who eventually agreed to go on the trip were Bow, Glimmer, Scorpia, Perfuma, Melog and Adora.

"Now we just need to know if Catra wants to come too!

" I will ask her when I find her."

They all got up, packed their sleeping bags and put on their normal clothes. They left Glimmer's room and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. When they got there they saw Catra and Micah talking. Adora hugged Catra from behind and said good morning, the girl purred loudly. Glimmer hugged her father. Everyone sat at the big table ready to eat breakfast. They needed a lot of energy for the day.

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