The Party (part 1)

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As they entered the room they saw all the princesses. They both were surprised, they thought it was just going to be the four of them. But that didn't bother them, Catra closed the door and went to Glimmer.

"Yo Sparkles, we're here."

"Great! Now we can start our party! Everybody! Form a circle on the floor."

They all obeyed. Even Catra though she was very confused because they had to form a circle. But she didn't dare question, after all she didn't even understand why they were having a party for her.
Catra sat next to Adora and Scorpia with Melog on her lap, she felt good there.

"So... How is Catra's first party on bright moon i thought we could start with a game. Does that look good to everyone?" bow asked, a little excited.

"Ugh whatever. And what are we going to play?" Mermista said, trying to look bored but was actually excited by the idea.

"Oh I have an idea! We could challenge each other and anyone who loses or refuses has to tell a story about themselves!"

Everyone accepted Frosta's suggestion and decided that as it was her idea she would begin.

"So... Perfuma! I dare you to make a statue of flowers of myself!"

Perfuma gave a little laugh and in her hand began to form a statue of Frosta made of blue flowers. Then she gave it to her and she could see in Frosta's eyes that she had adored. As she had done the challenge she wouldn't have to tell a story, so it was her turn to challenge someone.

"Sea Hank, I dare you to sing!" she knew mermista pretended she didn't like to hear but actually she loved it.

"Oh of course! A great challenge if you ask me. Mermista dear, this is for you." he began to sing freely and everyone noticed that Mermista was blushing.As soon as he finished, he challenged." Adora, I dare you to give Catra a kiss!

Adora was shocked by the challenge... They hadn't said anything about what had happened before... Then how could he know? She was starting to get nervous. Catra noticed and gave a discreet laugh and then whispered in the blonde's ear . "Hey... He didn't say where the kiss had to be, so give it to me on the cheek. He's going to be furious and I really want to see this!"

Adora smiled upon hearing what Catra had told her. Everyone was waiting for the kiss, so Adora turned to Catra and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey that's cheating!"

"Yo pirate, you never told her where she had to give me the kiss, so that doesn't count as cheating"

"And as I did, it's my turn to ask! So... Glimmer! I dare you to go to your bed"

"Ah that's easy Loves"

"Without teleporting"

"W... What?! UGH....fine"

Everyone watched Glimmer trying to climb into her bed. At first she tried to jump several times, but was unsuccessful. Then she tried to climb the walls... Also unsuccessful. Everyone laughed until Glimmer eventually gave up.

"Ugh... What story do you want to hear?"

"I want to hear the story where you learned to teleport."

"Mhm ok. So I was around 3 years old and I really wanted to learn how to teleport. So I asked my mother to teach me. She was more anxious than I was. She explained to me what to do and I followed her advice. Next thing I know, I was teleporting all over the castle and into my mother's arms.She was so proud of me. She even baked me a cake to celebrate..."

"Sorry Glimmer...I should have kept my mouth shut..."

"It's ok Adora. It's actually nice to talk about her, you know... she did not want to be remembered with sadness, she wanted to be remembered with joy!

"You sure you're ok?..."

"yes I'm sure!"

They both smiled at each other. Catra noticed that everyone was sad but she didn't know why. She had no idea the queen had stayed at the gate, but no one wanted to explain it to her. She was confused, but she didn't want to interrupt. Suddenly King Micah entered the room with a big smile on his face.

"Who wants cake? I brought it to all of you!"

"Thank you Dad! What do you say we take a break?"

Everyone agreed and took a piece of cake, except Catra who stayed in the same place. Everyone noticed Catra's behavior, she had been very quiet and the party was for her. They also noticed that Melog didn't look well either. Normally they would be asking for more affection or purring but this time not.

Scorpia was worried about her. So she decided to take a slice of the cake and sat in front of Catra." Hey Wild Cat is everything ok? You've been a little quieter than I brought you a piece of the cake."

"Oh...thanks Scorpia! Yeah everything is fine, I wad just thinking don't worry."

"mhm ok!"

Suddenly Bow gave a scream that alerted everyone. "LOOK! CATRA WILL TRY HER FIRST CAKE!"
Everyone had a laugh over Bow's excitement and looked at Catra, waiting for the moment she eats up the cake. When she bit it, everyone could see a twinkle in her eye's.

"So... What do you think?" everyone asked.

" AMAZING!"Catra couldn't stop eating. She ended up devouring half a cake.

After about 15 minutes they returned to the game.

"So... It's my turn to ask! Catra, I dare you to take a bath!

" HELL NO! NEVER!"Catra and Melog growled." What story do you want to hear?!

"What about the story of the day when you met Adora?"

Catra looked down... She didn't like to remember when she was part of the Horde. The past scared her.

"You don't have to answer..." Adora and Glimmer said in harmony

" it's ok, a challenge is a challenge!"

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