Crimson Waste

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While the four rested sitting on the floor Huntara went to get the map so they could plan the invasion. She took out some objects that were on a table and put the map there. Adora got up, letting the team rest and went to her so the two could come together ideas of what to do and not do. Huntara eventually suggested that the group split up in two, one in which they patrolled and the other group would interrogate people who knew something about the thieves and Adora agreed.

She returned to the team, who turned the attention to the blonde. "Okay, Huntara and I have come to the conclusion that half of us will be here patrolling and make sure the thieves don't come back, while the other half will look for the thieves, do you all agree?"

Everyone agreed, so Netossa and Spinnerella stayed while perfuma, Adora and Huntara left.

(with Netossa and Spinnerella)

They both used their powers together to create a safe barrier around Crimson Waste and tried to help all the people who needed it. There were very small children playing on a pile of sand. Others were playing She-ra against thieves, in which most of them actually stole materials to play with. It was typical in this place to steal things, not that there was much to steal, especially with what happened last night.
Many adults tried to complain to Huntara at the door of her tent, but they didn't succeed because she had left. It had been a while and everyone was calm. The princesses sat on the ground (still on alert).

"Hey Spinny?"

"Yeah Netossa?"

"How have you been feeling? I mean... With all this, with the defeat of Horde Prime, with mind control, everything."

"oh, I'm pretty good! I'm glad we've defeated him and no one's being controlled anymore, that's a good thing."

"Yeah of course it is... But I meant more to you... You were controlled and I just wanted to make sure you weren't in pain and if you're feeling well. If you don't feel well, I can do the job on my own!"

"Definitely not! I'm fine, you don't have to worry. By the way, I wasn't the only one who was controlled, so if all these people are okay why wouldn't I be?"

"You've noticed how Catra's been acting lately! She's constantly looking back, having nightmares and memories... So I thought if you were feeling it too."

"Netossa I'm really fine! I'm not going through what she is, so don't worry, okay? At least not with me."

"But you're my wife, it's normal for me to worry about you! But fine, if you say you're okay, I believe you."

Both were distracted by the people who needed help with their houses. When they stopped, Spinnerella laughed as she looked at her wife. "Those two are hiding something, don't you think?"

"Do you mean the secret love between Adora and Catra, or the strange behavior they've been having?I don't know how long they pretend to hide their love, but they are a thing, I know that!"


They both laughed together and continued their job.

(with Adora, Perfuma e Huntara)

"So how's everything there? Has everything been all right?... Apart from the thieves of course." Huntara asked, while they were taking a break.

"Yes! Everyone has accepted peace well and they are living their lives without feeling fear. We're even thinking about creating therapy sessions for former Horde soldiers who need help." Perfuma answered.

"Like that boring cat? The one who attacked us and robbed my gang?"

"Yes... Turns out that boring cat is my friend again and she's good now. She saved Glimmer from Horde Prime and also helped me save the world... "

"Oh... Sorry blondie, i didn't mean to offend... But it is that she is not very welcome here, after she has conquered this place many offered to pay to have her head... And that's not a good thing."

"She changed a lot I swear! It wasn't just her fault, please try to convince everyone she's good!"

"I'm going to try, if you say she changed, I believe you... Well now let's go back to our mission. There's a bar nearby where they usually are, we can look there."

"Yes let's go!"

They walked along a path surrounded by skulls until they reached their destination. The three of them walked into a bar, it wasn't too big, but there was a whole bunch there. Some people who frequented the bar were fighting or placing bets, others were drinking.

"I don't think there's any of the thieves here."

"How do you know that Adora?"

"Because the thieves who robbed us wouldn't come here with valuable things, and everyone in this bar has no belongings."

"Blondie is right, no thief was so stupid to come to a place like this with something of value."

"We could ask someone if they saw them or where they went, after all they are thieves too, and for the right price they will talk! If we ask nicely of course"

"Flower girl has a point, we can try that. But try not to be noticed!"


Hey everyone, first I want to apologize for not posting lately... I know this isn't an excuse for making all of you waiting... It's just that I've been busy with school and it's hard to write but I will try to find a way. I'm also working on other small Au (a creepy one) that I will show in the future.

Second I don't know what happened but this chapter was posted when it shouldn't... I didn't post it but I also don't know what happened. I was still writing this when I noticed and I deleted. Sorry everyone.

Again I apologize for taking so long to post again and for "posting" this chapter.

Also thank you all for reading and liking my Au.
It means a lot to me <3

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