Problems In Both Sides (Part 1)

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The three separated and went to different places. Perfuma joined a table with 3 people and tried not to look suspicious. Huntara was already known to most of those who were there so there was no problem and Adora headed for the counter.

"Hey excuse me... Ma'am excuse me I need to ask something"

"What can I do for an outsider? Are you lost?"

"Not really, I know where I am and where I came from. I'm looking for a group of thieves... Did you saw something?"

"why do you ask that? We are all thieves in here.. Are you trying to find problems?!"

Huntara noticed Adora and quickly approached. "Hey can I talk to you for a moment?" she didn't even wait for an answer and dragged Adora away. "I told you to try not to be noticied and the first thing you do is going directly to the manager of this place?!"

"uh yeah! She definitely saw them so we should ask her where they are"

"Sometimes I wonder if you have a brain or you're just lucky... Seriously how aren't you dead?! You can't just ask others direct questions! They probably know the thieves.. And they are also. If you ask that again they will attack you without thinking two times! So be careful I don't want to save you a lot of times"

"Alright I will be careful..Now let me try again!"

"Adora no!.." *Adora ran directly to the girl on the counter* "She is going to get killed.." Huntara took a deep breath and stayed a little distant, looking at Adora and the woman to make sure nothing would happened

"Hey again! I'm really sorry about coming to you and ask things who made you feel uncomfortable"

"Mhm.. Do you need something else? Because if not don't make me lose my time kid"

"Kid?! I'm not a kid! You know who I am?! I'm Shera!" Adora looked at the woman. She seemed annoyed by what she heard and the woman just smiled. "Who? We never heard that name here before" It was possible to see that Adora was offended by that. She was so red and couldn't even pronounce a word right because of the shock. She was so confused how someone didn't knew her or the story of Shera. The woman knew what she was doing, messing with others was her favorite thing to do, especially princesses or Shera. "You seem shocked.. Wow no one ever taught you what a joke is? Of course I know who is Shera, but here you can be whatever you want that we don't care... Anyway you really want to know about the thieves right?" Adora nodded "I know where they are.. So I propose something.. If you win me in a drink competition I will give you informations.. If not you get the hell out of my place! Deal?"

Adora didn't knew what to say, she wasn't a big fan of drinks.. Actually she had never tried before so she was really nervous about if she should accept or not. Huntara approached quickly, making a serious look at the woman. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You know by looking at someone if they can handle your drinks or not! You know that isn't fair" The woman laughed and started cleaning some cups, turning her back to both of them. "My place my rules. If you don't like it you know where is the exit.. So.. How will it be?"

Huntara looked at Adora and they both stayed in silence for a few seconds..they both knew it was a bad idea. However the woman needed an answer and it was the only way to know something about the thieves.

" you don't have to do this!"

" it's the only way! We don't know where they are.. Wait.. You didn't said you knew where they were??"

"Yes I did.. Unfortunately I don't know anymore.. My team went to the place and said no one is there anymore.. So now I don't know.. Sorry blondie"

"So it's the only option we have! Thank you for trying anyway!" Adora caught the attention of the woman, who quickly turned to her.

"Let's do it"


Catra started opening her eyes really slowly. She didn't knew where she was but she was definitely not on the same place. Everything was silent, like if no one was there around and it was so cold, that was weird.. It was a sun day so why was so cold? Catra finally noticed she was in a different place, so she quickly raised her head, panicking by the possibility that she could have failed at protecting everyone and that the thieves came back and took them all. As she was raising her head someone pushed it to lay again.

"You have to rest Catra! I'm not done seeing what's wrong with you"

Catra was so lost, confused and scared that she couldn't even recognize the voice who was talking to her. The feline couldn't see well also, everything was so blurry, she only knew she was in a cold place, that's all.
Some minutes later she heard some loud noises.. It sounded like.. Metal? But in plumeria they didn't used metal that much.

"How is she feeling?"

As again she heard a voice, but was unable to discover who it was. Catra was so tired that she started giving up on staying awake.. It had been weeks since she didn't slept, but she refused to admit it. Usually Catra would say to everyone back at the Horde that she wouldn't rest until everything belonged to the Horde, and when she finally went to bright moon she told everyone she slept on the ship so she wasn't really tired. It's true that she did, however that wasn't enough and she knew it very well.
The fear of dreaming about Horde Prime was big.. But the feeling of being tired was more.

"Everything here says she's normal and healthy! I guess she was just exhausted"

"Yeah.. We have to make her sleep more"

Catra was starting to fall asleep, she didn't cared anymore about nightmares, she was too tired for that. When she started feeling comfortable and ready to sleep someone hugged her strongly, which made her open her eyes quickly.

"I was so worried Wild Cat! If it wasn't for Melog we wouldn't know you were unconscious! I'm sorry for not being at your side!"

Catra was still tired but lost the need of sleeping with the hug. She quickly recognized who the voice was and started having her vision back. The feline looked around and realized where she was, Entrapta's kingdom. Scorpia hugged her even more, which caused a difficulty in breathing.

"Scorpia.. No.. Hugs!.. I can't.. Breathe!" The girl quickly gave space to the cat and smiled.

"You're awake! How was your rest? Did I wake you up?! I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay Scorpia.. I didn't wanted to sleep anyway" That was a big lie. Catra really wanted and needed to sleep, she just didn't had the guts to tell her friend that. "Anyway why am I here?"

"Melog brought Glimmer during the night to Plumeria because you fainted, so she brought you here so I could see if you were okay! I did some tests by the way"


"Calm down it was nothing new! I just made a little check up... Catra can you tell me when was the last time you slept?"

"uh.. Yesterday at the party"

Scorpia nooded, it was true that she did, however she didn't knew after the nightmare Catra didn't fell asleep again.

"No I mean when was the last time you had a completely rest?"

Catra stayed in silent, the ship would be a good option maybe? But no.. Entrapta was controlling the time she slept there and it wasn't even 2 hours. Maybe at the horde! No.. That was a long time ago.


Hey everyone! Sorry again for not posting for a long time! I made a chapter a little longer to apologize for keeping you all waiting
During those times I didn't post anything I lost the inspiration but I decided to write again
Comments help and I want to thank you all for commenting!
Anyway sorry for the bad English, it's not my first language and I hope you enjoy!

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