Relax Catra

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Everyone was having breakfast, and as they finished they said goodbye and left. Just Adora, Catra, Scorpia, Perfuma, Glimmer, Bow and Melog stayed.

Adora noticed that Catra had dark circles under her eyes."Did you get to sleep last night?"

" Of course I fell asleep, why do you ask?"

"Have you ever looked in the mirror by any chance?! You look tired.

"Ok fine...I didn't sleep. But I'm fine don't worry."

"If you say so... Anyway, Glimmer was thinking we'd go to Mystacor. Do you want to come?"

"uh... Why Mystacor?

"Mystacor is a great place to relax Catra! And my aunt rules there so she can give us a secluded place."

"Mhmm ok... As long as there aren't many people. I haven't gotten used to it yet."

"Yayy we'll finally relax after a long time!" Glimmer and Bow said, getting up from the table as soon as possible.

"Okay are you ready? We'll be there in a second!"

"What do you mean by that Sparkles?"

Glimmer grabbed them and teleported to Mystacor. Catra Knelt on the floor, clinging to her belly." How about you warn next time?"

"Sorry Catra! I'm just excited. You're going to love this place now that we're out of danger!"

The seven went to castaspella and explained that they were going to relax. She guided them to a private place so they would feel comfortable without many people, especially Catra. The place was situated near a lot of water. There were some towels on the floor where they lay down... The only ones who didn't do it were Adora and Catra.

"Uh... Adora we need to do that thing?"

"I don't know... I don't like this part of relaxing, I'd rather hit something."

"Eh me too."

"Catra, Adora come and try it!"

"No thanks Glimmer, you know I don't like doing this."

"But this is the best part, you're the one who lose!And you Catra, do you want to try it?"

Catra didn't answer, she was distracted looking back. She thought she saw someone behind the trees and felt a little pain in her neck. Catra put her hand in the same place she felt the pain. Everyone tried to get her attention but she didn't even notice, until Adora put her hand on her shoulder that made her brist her fur up in a state of alertness.Catra looked quickly and realized that it was just Adora.

"Hey, are you feeling good?"

"I... yeah of course! I just got distracted by nature... That's all."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes totally! I just need to walk for a while."

Catra went to the forest and Melog followed her. Scorpia and Perfuma looked at each other,it was obvious she wasn't well. Adora just watched the feline walk away, she wanted to go with her but thought Catra just needed space. She sat on a towel and stared where she had gone.


It's been almost half an hour. Catra was still walking through the forest, looking around her often. The words horde prime had said to her in her dream echoed in her head even louder. Catra's neck pain grew, as if she still had the chip and was trying to fight it again. She tried to scratch the place where the chip had been to see if the pain disappeared, but only increased. Catra leaned against a tree and fell slowly. Melog tried to help but was unsuccessful.

"Little sister, why do you resist so much? Come to the light whit me!"

"SHUT UP! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Catra screamed, she had a huge headache and was writhing on the floor, with Melog by her side trying to help.

"Catra?! Catra where are you?" Someone called, it looked like Adora. Melog raised their head and in despair searched for the blonde. A few minutes later they came back pulling her coat.

"Woah clam down Melog, what's wro..." Adora saw Catra on the floor, screaming in despair. She ran to her, crouched down and grabbed her." Hey Catra I'm here! It's going to be okay! Hold On!"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!I WON'T LET YOU CONTROL ME AGAIN!" Catra kept moving, she thought Adora was Horde Prime so she tried to attack her, but Adora managed to stray from her claws."Relax Catra! It's just me! Adora!"

Catra stopped as soon as she heard the girl speak."A...Adora?"

"shhh I'm here... I'm here... What happened?"

Catra did not respond, just hugged Adora with all the strength she had. Adora stroked the back of Catra's ear."Do you still have visions of when he controlled you?"

"No... It's more like he's still in my head... "

"You should have told me!"

"yeah... I know... I'm sorry"

Adora got up and helped Catra do the same. They agreed to go back to the others, after all they were worried about Catra.Melog walked near Catra while Adora held her hand.

"Listen... I know you're not going to like hearing this, but... Maybe you should talk to Perfuma about this. Maybe she can give you therapy lessons."


"Calm down... I only gave you one option. I know you don't think that's going to work, but what does it cost to try? Maybe you'il feel better later... Just try, please! For me."

"Fine...i will try to ask flower girl to help me. But don't expect me not to give up at the beginning of the first lesson!And this is not because I like you!"

"Right, it's because you LOVE me!"

"Shut up idiot!"

"Or what?"

Catra pulled Adora close to her and kissed her softly. The blonde started blushing.

"I love you Adora"

"I love you too Catra"

"Let's go back, I miss the arrow boy!"

They both laughed and continued to walk. After a few minutes they arrived where everyone was.

"Hey we're back!"

They all ran and hugged them.After a big hug they decided to go eat.

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