New school

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(Nini's POV)

I had just moved to Salt Lake from Boston, Mama D had a job relocation and we needed to move here. I was a little upset because I'm a junior and I would have to leave school without finishing it there. I was also a little relieved though because I thought of this as a chance to start over and make new friends and who knows maybe even a boyfriend!

(Ricky's POV)

It's my third year at East High and I was hoping this could be the year where I could change myself. I never really was the popular guy or someone all the girls liked, to be honest I never even had a girlfriend. My best friend Big Red( yeah I know it's a weird name but he won't tell anyone his real name) and I made a pact that we would put ourselves out there more and take chances on things we usually wouldn't.

~~Time skip 3 days later First Day of School~~

(Nini's POV)

It was the first day of school and I couldn't really tell if I was nervous or excited. I finally came to the conclusion that it was a little of both. All of a sudden I hear, "NINI GET UP YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE" Mama C screams. I then looked at my phone shoot I had to be there early so the principal could give me my stuff. I shoot straight up and get clothes then head to the bathroom.

(Ricky's POV)

I never was the kid who cared about how I would dress when I go to school but today I just had this feeling that I should look nice, I don't know it was weird. RING RING RING, I look at my phone and realize that my alarm is going off. I usually hit snooze but I had that weird feeling again so I just got up and got ready.

(Nini's POV)

I quickly get dressed, brush my hair and teeth and start running downstairs. "Hey Mama C, Morning' Mama D" I say while tying my shoes, once I finish I grab an apple and say "I'll walk to school and eat on the way. Bye Love you!" I quickly said. "Bye sweetie, have a good first day" Mama C yelled. "Love you!" screamed Mama D shortly after. I didn't have time to respond so I closed the door, ran out and started heading to school.

(Ricky's POV)

I picked out this maroon and white striped shirt with a pair of black slightly ripped jeans and I headed to the bathroom. I get ready, brush my teeth and hair then head out of the bathroom. I start heading downstairs and see my dad lying on the couch. He has been like this ever since mom moved to Chicago. I had to act tough for him but deep down I was hurt I felt like she didn't care about me and just got up and left. But I quickly catch myself thinking negative thoughts and realize it's my first day. I should be happy. I grab my helmet, an apple, and my skateboard. "Bye, Dad, I'm riding to school," I said. "Have fun! Be safe!" he says as I'm walking out the door.

(Nini's POV)

As I was walking this boy on his skateboard zooms by me really fast causing me to fall. "Omg I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention". I quickly look up to see this incredibly cute brown eyed boy. I realize that I was staring and quite possibly blushing but wow was he cute. I quickly say " Oh yeah no it's umm it's fine don't worry about it". I said that I'm the weirdest possible. God I Suck!

(Ricky's POV)

As I was riding I wasn't really paying attention to what was in front of me and instead I was looking at the floor. I knocked someone over and completely stopped. "Omg I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention" I had felt so bad and bent down to help them up. Then I see the face of the girl who I had knocked over. She was beautiful. She had this really nice long hair and I could see she was blushing, it was really cute! " Oh yeah no it's umm it's fine don't worry about it" says this very pretty girl. I help her up and say " I'm Ricky Bowen and you are?" "Oh umm I'm Nini Salazar-Roberts. Nice to meet you". I heard what she said and I knew her name now but I could not take my eyes off of her. She probably thinks I'm crazy.

(Nini's POV)

The cute boy helped me up and said, "I'm Ricky Bowen and you are?". Wow Ricky that is a cute name for an even cuter boy. I realize that he asked for my name "Oh umm I'm Nini Salazar-Roberts''. We just kinda stood there staring in each other's eyes but it felt nice.

Hey guys I hoped you liked my first chapter. I'm just writing this for fun while I am stuck inside. I really quickly want to bring awareness to what is happening in America right now and I just want to say that it is truly a time where everyone needs to stick together and speak up about these innocent people dying because of the color of their skin!

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