Finally Free

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Hey guys! I just wanted to let you guys know this book is almost done...........BUT I'm going to do a sequel!! Once this is done that book will come out! But on to this chapter!💕

(Nini's POV)

It's been a couple days since homecoming and that means that Gina has been living here for the past few days! It's actually been a lot of fun it's like having a sister! The only thing is we still haven't called CPS but Mamma C said she is going to call today since it's her day off. I can tell Gina is scared and he has a right to be! I just really hope everything works out! "Nini Gina!" Momma C calls out. "Yeah mom?" I call back "Come downstairs!" I guess we're calling now! We head downstairs and see Momma C sitting at the table and we head there.

Momma C- Gina honey? Do you want to call now?

Gina- Yeah I do! I just want to finally be free!

Momma C- Ok I'm going to put it on speakerphone so you can say your information yourself ok?

Gina- Yeah.

Momma C dials the number and puts it on speaker. Someone picks up and responds.

Agent- Child protective services what's your emergency?

Momma C- Hi. I have a teenage girl with me that says that her mother has been abusing and hurting her.

Agent- Ok. What is her information?
Momma C- I actually have her here and she will say her information.

Gina- Hi um my name is Gina Elaine Porter.

Agent- Hello. What is your birthday?
Gina- March 9 , 2003

Agent- Ok what is your address?

Gina- 1605 wilbert street

Agent- Ok now can you explain your situation?

Gina- Yeah um so my dad died a couple of years ago and my mom always blamed me for it and she would always hit me and smack me. A couple of days ago she was really mad and I was really scared so I came to my friends house who I'm staying at now.

Agent- I'm so sorry Gina. My partners and I are going to investigate later today at the address you gave us. Do you know if you're mother is there today?

Gina- I think so she doesn't usually have work today but I'm not sure.

Agent- Ok can you tell me what her name is

Gina- Angie Rose Porter

Agent- Ok thank you! I promise everything will be ok soon!

Momma C- Thank you so much!

Agent- We will call you after we visit the house.

Momma C hangs up and I see Gina crying so I go up and hug her!

Gina- I know you don't want to hear it again but thank you si much for everything you guys have done to help me!

Momma C- Of course Gina sweetie! We love you!

Nini- Yeah best friends!

Gina and I head upstairs to do face masks and our hair to try and past the time till later when they are going to investigate. We put on the Barchlorette and just have fun. Before we knew it, it was 6:30 and my mom was calling us down. I'm guessing they investigated and called us back. We head downstairs and I can see Gina is scared for sure.

Momma C- Gina they went to your house and saw your mother throwing things on the ground and that was enough to arrest her especially with all of your statements. Gina honey your mom is in jail and you're free!

Gina- Really? I mean that's so good but is she going to be ok?

Momma C- She's going to be in a safe place because they say she has trauma because of your father.

Gina- Wait so am I going to stay here?

Momma C- Well that's the other thing I wanted to talk to you about. We are able to adopt you if that's what you want but if not you could stay here till you turn 18 years old.

Gina- Wow I think I want you to adopt me! You guys have done so much for me why not make it official!

Nini- That would be so cool!

Momma C- We would just need to get the papers!

I hug Gina then my mom joins in. My life is all falling into place!

(Gina's POV)

I can't believe Nini is going to be my new sister and I'm going to have 2 new moms who actually love me and won't hurt me! My life is finally going right! I'm finally free!

Ok that was a way shorter chapter but I just wanted Gina to have her moment! More soon!

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