Opening night

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while but I'm back! Here is the musical chapter! Only a few left till the end! Also I've decided not to do a sequel because I have lost my inspiration for this book so there will only be one chapter left after this but I have an idea for another book so that will be up after this!

(Nini's POV)

The musical is finally here. The day we have been busting our butts off for is here and I'm terrified! I'm scared that I'm going to see the crowd and just freeze! I mean I'm the lead that's so scary! But I'll have ricky up there with me most of the times and Gina. Living with Gina has been awesome and I'm so glad to have her with me through everything for the rest of my life! It's 10:30 and we have to be at the school by 2 to make sure everything is ready for 5. I have to go take a shower then make sure I have everything I need then head over to Ricky's cause we're going together with Gina and our parents are going to meet us there. Oh and Mamma D is back! She got full control over her legs again she just can't do anythin crazy but I'm so happy she is here to see me preform!

(Ricky's POV)

I can't believe the musical is actually today! I'm actually not nervous as I thought I would be. I guess knowing Nini will be with me really helps me. She's coming over with Gina at 12:30 to hangout a little before I drive us to school. Right now I'm just going to take a shower and wait till they get here.

~~Time skip till 12:30~~

I hear the doorbell ring and now it's Nini and Gina. I open the door and see just who I thought it was.

(General POV)

Nini- Hey baby!

Gina- Hey beast!

Ricky- Babe, Feather! Come in!

Nini- I already know Gina's answer but how are we feeling about tonight?

Ricky- I thought I would be scared but I'm actually not!

Nini- Really? I'm sooo scareddddddd!

Gina- Yeah I'm scared too!

Ricky- You guys are both amazing actors and singers! There is nothing to be scared of! And we'll all be up there together so it will all be fine!

Nini- Wow thank you!

Gina- Thanks Dr. Phill!

Ricky- My pleasure! Ok let's chill till we have to leave!

~~Time skip till everyone at school and it's 4:30~~

Ms. Jenn- Ok guys huddle up! I just wanted to tell all of you that you guys are going to do amazing and I just want all of you to have fun! Our curtain is up in 30 minutes so everyone get last minute touch ups if you need if not start heading to the wings!

Ricky- You ready Belle?

Nini- I think I am Beast!

~~Time skip to after the show~~

Ms. Jenn- Ok guys we did it! You guys were amazing and I'm so incredibly proud of you! I love you all so. much! Now go celebrate with your loved ones!!

Nini- Ricky! We did it! {She runs up to him and he picks her up and spins her around}

Ricky- You were amazing!

Nini- Thank you! You were too!

Ricky- Well I think all the drama has finally left us alone and we can be regular kids!

Nini- As long as that includes you and my family I'm ok!

Ricky- I love you so much!

Nini- I love you so much too!

Ok so that was the last chapter chapter the last one will be an epilouge and it will go through the milestones in their life! Sorry for it being short I just didn't really know what to do for this chapter.

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