Rewrite the Stars

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(General POV)

Ricky- Wow

Nini- Yeah wow!

Ricky- Ok we have to go or else we will miss it.

Nini- Miss what?

Ricky- You'll see

Nini- Hey tell meeeeee

Ricky- No it's a surprise

Nini- Fine

~~After about 20 minutes of driving~~

(Ricky's POV)

About fifteen minutes into driving Nini fell asleep but we are here now and I don't know if I should wake her up! If I don't we will miss the meteor shower and if I wake her up she might get mad at me. You know what Fuck it I want her to see this!

(General POV)

Ricky- Nini wake up {He says as he slightly shakes her}

Nini- What?

Ricky- Wake up you're going to miss it!

Nini- Huh?

Ricky- Just trust me come on {He says while getting out of the car and opening her door}

Nini- Where are we?

Ricky- Well tonight is the night of the Lyrics meteor shower and we are at a lookout point so we can watch it together!

Nini- Omg I've always wanted to see one but I would always fall asleep

Ricky- Well now we can watch it together come on I have blankets in the back of my car!

Nini- OMG and we get to cuddle while watching! This is the best date ever! Thank you! {She says then she gives him a quick kiss and jumps into the back of his truck}

(Ricky's POV)

I love her so much! WAIT DID I JUST SAY LOVE!! ok no no no this is are first date we aren't even a couple yet!! Hey but I can change that tonight! I'm going to ask her during the shower!

(Nini's POV)

I love this boy! Wait omg omg omg noooo we aren't even dating! I hope he asks me tonight because I will definitely say yes but I WON"T SAY THE L WORD!!

(General POV)

Ricky- Hey look it's starting!

[The two look at the stars and spend their time looking at the sky but after a little Ricky started looking at a much more beautiful sight that he wanted to call his girlfriend]

Ricky- Hey Nini! Can I ask you something?

Nini- Yeah sure what is it? *OMG is he going to say what I think he's going to say*

Ricky- *Here goes nothing* I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend? I had an amazing time tonight and I want to keep going on dates with you!

Nini- *YES YES YES HE SAID IT* Omg Ricky I would love to be your girlfriend and I also had an amazing time! Thank you for planning all of this baby.

Ricky- *OMG she said yes and she called me baby already* That's amazing! I'm so happy! Anything for you my darling angel!

Nini- Aww I love that name bubs!

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