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Hey guys I just want to let you know that if you get triggered from panic attacks that you skip over a part, but if not just read on!

(Nini's POV)

I woke up with the worst pain in my neck and why am I in a hospital? I'm looking around and I see my moms in the hospital bed. WHAT IS HAPPENING? OMG I can't breathe I'm having a panic attack I haven't had these in forever. I hear someone calling my name but I'm on the floor trying to breathe.

(Ricky's POV)

I wake up and see Nini looking around all confused but then she falls to the floor and looks like she can't breathe I immediately go to her side and trying to talk but she's not responding. "NINI" she just fainted in my arms. Good thing we are in a hospital. "DOCTOR WE NEED A DOCTOR" I'm screaming for a doctor and a nurse finally comes in. "What happened to her?" The nurse asks. "She couldn't breathe all of a sudden and then she passed out" I tell her on the verge of crying "Ok don't worry do you know is she is prone to panic attacks?""No I don't know and one of her moms is in a coma and the other is sleeping" I explain while lifting Nini up "Ok do you know her full name?" "Yes Nina Isabelle Salazar-Roberts. Is she ok though?" "We don't know we will take her and run some tests and look at her records but I'm sure she just had a panic attack" "Ok" The nurse takes her and about 10 minutes later Carol wakes up.

(General POV)

Carol- Ricky? What are you still doing here? Where's Nini?

Ricky- Umm I slept here overnight and Nini started to lose her breathe and she couldn't breathe then she passed out.

Carol- Oh no they're back

Ricky- What do you mean?

Carol- She used to have really bad panic attacks where she couldn't breathe.

Ricky- Really that's what the nurse assumed but they took her to do testings and it's been about 15 minutes.

Carol- Don't worry Ricky she will be fine.

Nurse- Hello I'm here to tell you about Nina Salazar-Roberts 

Ricky- Oh yes is she ok?

Nurse- Don't worry she is fine she had a panic attack but she is now awake if you want to visit.

Carol- Go Ricky I'm fine

Ricky- Ok what room is she in?

Nurse- Room 68 it's right around the corner

Ricky- Ok thank you!

(Ricky's POV)

I'm running down the hallway and turn and that's when I see room 68. I walk in very cautiously just in case she's sleeping.

(General POV)

Ricky- Hi baby! {He says with a very calm tone}

Nini- Ricky? What are you doing here?

Ricky- We came here together yesterday. What so you mean?

Nini- Why did we come here yesterday we were on our date?

Ricky- You got a call from here for your mom's.

Nini- What? What's wrong with my moms?

Ricky- What's the last thing you remember from yesterday?

Nini- You asked me to be your girlfriend then I'm guessing I fell asleep and you took me home.

Ricky- Nini you got a call from the hospital because your moms got into a car accident.

Nini- WHAT? Why don't I reme- wait it's kind of coming back to me.

Ricky- What do you remember now?

Nini- Is Mama D in a coma? {She says on the verge of tears}

Ricky- Yes angel I'm so sorry I wish there was something I could do{He says as he sits on the edge of her hospital bed}

Nini- {She hugs Ricky as tight as she could and starts sobbing into his shirt}

Ricky- Shh sh sh I'm here baby I'm here don't worry!

Nini- Sorry {She says as she points too his shirt}

Ricky- Hey look at me don't apologize ok? It's a shirt it will dry and I would let you wet every single shirt I own ok?

Nini- Yeah thank you. Did I say something to you yesterday?

Ricky- * I know what she is talking about but do I show that I know* What do you mean?

Nini- Did I say something very intimate?

Ricky- Yes but if it helps I love you too!

Nini- What? Really?

Ricky- Of course I know we just met but it was like love at first sight.

Nini- Yeah I love you bubba!

Ricky- Me too Darling angel!

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this shorter kind of filler chapter! Please comment and vote I want to know what you guys think also leave any suggestions! Bye ✌️💕!

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