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Hey guys! New chapter!💕

(Ricky's POV)

I woke up and saw a really bright light above me, I winced at the brightness and turned my head to the side. I opened my eyes after a second and saw Nini sleeping on a chair. I looked around and figured out I was in a hospital. I start to sit up but my body feels so sore that I wince a little harder and louder.

(General POV)

Nini- Ricky?

Ricky- Hey um why am I here and why does everything hurt?

Nini- You don't remember?

Ricky- I mean nothing to get me in the hospital.

Nini- Howie was trying to pick a fight with you by flirting with me and you guys threw a couple of punches before I told you to stop. Howie didn't get the hint and knocked you out and you fell and broke your arm.

Ricky- That's why I have a cast.

Nini- Yeah! How are you feeling?

Ricky- Mad and sore.

Nini- Mad because of what Howie said?

Ricky- No mad that I couldn't protect you.

Nini- Baby {She gets up from her chair and sits on the edge of his bed} You did everything you could and that's all I ever ask of you ok?

Ricky- Yeah but what if Howie tries to do what Ej did? What if I can't stop him from doing more? And I'm stupid to cause all this drama when you are still trying to recover from a traumatic experience! I suck! I can't do anything right and I can't even protect the one girl who matters most to me!

Nini- I matter most to you? {She said with a blush on her cheeks}

Ricky- Of course you do Nini! You the one I want to spend all my time with!

Nini- Same here baby. {She lowered her face so she could connect their lips}

Doctor-  Sorry to interrupt but I need to run a few tests. 

[Nini jumped back into her seat and her face was even more red from before but now because of embarrassment]

Nini- Do I need to leave?

Doctor- Only if Ricky wants you too!

Ricky- Can you stay?

Nini- Of course!

~~Time skip to a week later~~

[Gina was back to school but she was still not doing the play. Nini and her still hadn't talked and frankly neither of them wanted too. Rehearsals were going great other than the occasional flirt or wink from Howie to Nini but she would just ignore it. Ricky was anxious because his moms wedding was only 2 weeks away. Nini's mom had said yes to them going by themselves to Chicago so he felt a little better but still nervous. The whole cast except for Howie were having a picnic at their local park]

Ash- Guys let's play some music!

Ricky- I brought my speaker!

Nini- Of course you did you never leave the house without it!

Ricky- Hey you never know when you'll need it!

Red- Let's play some Hsm!

Ash- YESS!

Carlos- My king is in it so I'm good!

Kourt- I got to support Corbin my husband!

Lily- I mean Sharpay is my fav so why not?

(Nini's POV)

Ever since the party Lily has been really nice and honestly I think we could be good friends!

(General POV)

[They listened to their fav HSM songs from all albums and they were all acting out and everyone when up at certain points to dance! They all had lots of fun!]

Ash- I'm going to head out!

Red- Same here!

Kourt- Yeah I think we're all going to.

Nini- Babe can we stay a little longer?

Ricky- Yeah!

Nini- Let's take a walk!

[They were walking when Nini found a really pretty blossom tree and begged Ricky to take a picture of her. Being the good boyfriend he was he of course took some]

Nini- You know you're a very good photographer!

Ricky- It's easy to take a picture of a beautiful view!

Nini- Stop it!

Ricky- I don't want to stop speaking the truth!

Nini- Why are you so flirty today? Ooo you want something don't you?

Ricky- Why can't I just appreciate my gf?

Nini- You can but just tell me what you want!

Ricky- Fine! I just wanted to ask when we get to Chicago instead of going to the wedding we can just explore?

Nini- Babe! Sit!

Ricky- I'm not a dog but fine! {He sits on the ground and Nini sits in front of him}

Nini- You need to go to your mom's wedding!

Ricky- Why?!? Just so I can see her being happy with someone who's not my dad!

Nini- Yes!! Don't you want to see your mom happy even if it's not with your dad?

Ricky- I do! But I don't know if I can forgive her for not talking for me for like a year and now that the guy she's marrying is the one who took her away from me!

[Nini could see the hurt in his eyes and she could see the tears starting to form in them]

Nini- I'll make you a deal!

Ricky- What do you mean?

Nini- If you go to the wedding which by the way I'll be by your side the whole time! We can extend the stay if our parents let us and just the two of us can explore Chicago without worrying about your mom ok?

Ricky- Really? But we have to tell our parents tonight so they can book them and get a refund on the others!

Nini- Ok let's go now we can ask my mom's together then your dad!

Ricky- Ok let's go!

~~Time skip to in front of Nini's house~~

[Nini and Ricky walk in to see Mike and Carol  eating at the table]

Ricky- Dad? Why are you here?

Mike- Carol was nice enough to invite me over for dinner cause we thought you guys were going to be out a little longer!

Carol-  Yeah you said you wouldn't be back till late. What happened?

Nini- Well since you guys are both here we wanted to ask you something!

That is the new chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it!! Love you!💕

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