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Hey guys! Here is the homecoming chapter you all have been waiting for! Get ready for another long chapter! Enjoy💕!

(Nini's POV)

It's finally here! Homecoming the day when the whole school looks nice and just has fun! Oh and there is most likely going to be a ton of drama cause we're in high school why wouldn't there be? Anyways the dance starts at 5:30 but we have to be there a little later cause Carlos wants to be fashionably late! The girls and Carlos are coming to my house to get ready at 12:00 cause we all know we will get distracted singing Kiwi 50 times so they are coming early. Seb is going with Ricky, Big Red, and Ej because Carlos is acting like it's his wedding and he can't see Seb till the dance. Oh and did I mention that Ej is coming with us! I'm actually glad because we have been talking more and I finally just accepted that, that event is part of my life also that Ej didn't want to do it and he has made it a habit to say sorry everytime we talk. Ricky has not been too mad because Ej explained the whole situation and I think he is starting to believe him so my life is kinda falling into place which is good. Other than yesterdays events I've been happy! Mamma D is starting to walk really well and they said she might be able to get released soon! Also what Ricky said yesterday really stuck with me! I don't need to know who my real parents are because I have two beautiful mothers who love me so fricking much! Anyways out of my Ted talk! It's currently 9:30 a.m. and I need to go down and eat some breakfast!

(Ricky's POV)

Wow homecoming! I thought this day would never come! I'm actually excited! I thought I would be crapping my pants but after yesterday and talking with Nini I'm not nervous! I'm just excited to see the most beautiful girl in a stunning dress! I had my suit for a while cause surpisingly Big Red wanted to get the early! I finally figured out a couple days ago when he asked Ash to the dance! I was so proud of him, it was like my son was growing up! Seb, Red, and Ej are coming at 3:00 to get ready. I know it's weird that Ej is coming but he has been pretty good lately. He explained the whole situation and like Nini I could tell he wasn't lying. He spoke so genuienly that it was hard not to beilive him. He's actually a pretty nice dude! I feel like everything bad is coming to an end and things are finally going right! I know that's kind of hard to beilive after yesterday but Nini really helped me to finally accept it. My mom wasn't happy with my dad towards the end but Todd is making her happy so I should be too. I still think she could have done it better and not left for a year without talking to us but I can't do anything about it! What happened happened! Now I'm going to go downstairs eat some breakfast and have a good day!

(Gina's POV)

Homecoming is supposed to be a good day but I'm not getting that vibe right now! My mom is in probably the worst mood I've ever seen in her in and I'm trying to stay away from her! She's on the phone right now with I'm not sure who but I'm in my room hiding cause I don't want to have fresh bruises for homecoming. At this point I don't even know if I'm going cause if she doesn't leave I won't be able to either. She can't hear me right now because she is in the basement but I need to call Nini and tell her what's happening. I grab my phone and click her contact.

(Nini's POV)

I just finished breakfast and getting dressed to go for a bike ride when I hear my phone ring and see Gina's contact. I swipe and pick it up.

Nini- Hey Gina!

Gina- Hi um so my mom is like really angry right now and I'm scared!

Nini- Omg ok is she near you?

Gina- No I'm in my room and she's in the basement

Nini- Ok do you think you can sneak out without her noticing?

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