05. The Wedding Must Go On

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The week went by too fast. I was starting to freak out about how quick everything was going. Every day was a rush to get things done for the wedding. Family was being contacted. Clothes were being tried on. Cleaning was being done in preparation for the reception part of the wedding. Food was being talked about.

Chia was chosen as the maid of honor otherwise known as ‘green lady’. She excitedly tried on our traditional clothing with me, going on about how she always wanted to be a maid of honor. Sophie was noticeably upset over the fact that she wasn’t chosen, but with the promise to be Gabe’s wife’s maid of honor she brightens up and started to help out.

Too soon, and soon enough it was the day before the wedding.

“You’re nervous?”

I nod my head. Bee and I were ordered to sleep early for an early start in the morning. Both of us sat in bed with only the desk light on.

“You hate me and wish this never happened?”

I look over and stare at him, unsure of the answer he wanted.

“Sorry. That is just the feeling I’ve been getting from you for the last two weeks.”

“I honestly don’t know how I feel. I dislike the way this happened for sure. But to hate you and to wish this never happened is a bit harsh.”

“Okay, so you’re just nervous and you’re kind of okay with marrying me?” Bee said smiling.

“I’m okay with following through with my parents and grandma’s wishes. Marrying you is just part of the deal.”

“But you’re avoiding the thing. You’re okay with me?” Bee said, directing the conversation towards him.

“You think too highly of yourself.”

“Of course I want to be seen highly of by the woman I am going to marry. Don’t you want me to think highly of you? Which by the way I do. The way Sophie talked of you before we even knew you and right after finding out it was you were too amazing to ignore. She swayed me into your fandom before I even knew I was in it.”


“Oh yea. If I didn’t marry you, I’m sure Sophie would have stepped up herself next in line for your hand in marriage.”

“Haha you are so funny,” I said in a mocking tone.

“Her crush on you is cute. You are like another big sister to her.”

“That’s sweet,” I said, thinking that I should treat the girl more nicely from now on.

“Let’s sleep now. It’s a big day tomorrow,” Bee said, getting out of the bed to turn off the light.

I rolled over to face the wall, hoping to fall asleep. Bee got back on and scrambled around to get comfortable.

“Luna.” Bee said from the other side of the bed when he stopped moving.

“Hmm?” I mumbled back.

“Thank you, for agreeing to this marriage.”


Bee’s alarm blared off at 5 in the morning, bright and early. Already, I could hear noises in the kitchen. The night before Bee’s whole family had come over to help out. His mom and sister-in-laws must have woken up early. There were instructions being thrown around, questions being asked and loud laughter filling the house.

All the needed people in the wedding were to show up at 6, which meant it gave us an hour to get ready. Bee sat up after turning off his phone’s alarm.

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