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Blyke's P.O.V

As I gotten ready for school John knocked on the bathroom door. "I'm not done just wait" I yelled at him. "I uhh" he responded with " I wanted to know if you wanna go on like a date" he said. After hearing that I just didn't think but I had to respond "Sure what time?" I asked nervously "Maybe at 3:00 pm" he said thru the door. "O-ok" I responded with as I blushed in the bathroom.


After getting ready I opened the bathroom door to see a blushing raven haired boy on the couch. As I sat next to him I said "Stop looking so embarrassed John" as I ruffled his hair. John looked at me, and asked "why am I feeling like this?" As he looked at me with puppy eyes. "I can't answer that, feelings are difficult to understand." I said looking at him "You will understand sooner or later" I said while patting his head. As I stood up I told him "Get ready, and let's walk to school together" "Ok" he said while smiling. As John got ready I went to my room, and freaked out. 'I have nothing to wear for the date' i thought while I panicked. As I heard you phone go off I went to check it.

Isen: Hey Blyke
Blyke: What Isen?
Isen: So I wanted to know about John's condition
Blyke: Well he is doing good
Isen: Ok thanks for the info

As I heard the bathroom door open I went outside to see John with no hair gel. "Hey you took my advice, and to not use hair gel" I smirked at him. "Whatever, I just wanted a new look" John said while looking at Blyke with slightly blushed cheeks.


As we entered the school I looked at John, and whispered "Don't forget our  date" while I was smiling. John blushed as we went our separate ways. As I was walking through the halls I saw Isen.

As I approach him he asked me "What did you tell John to make him blush" while looking at me. "Uhh" I said trying to think of a response "Th-That's none of your concern" I said while looking away from him. "*sigh* whatever" He said while drinking his milk. As the bell rang we went our separate ways.

Isen's P.O.V

As we went our separate ways I wondered 'Hmm why would Blyke not tell me'. 'Must be something secret I must know now' I thought while drinking my milk. As I headed to my first period.


As the press meeting started I looked for Terrance. 'Where is he, I need him to stalk them' I thought while grinning. As I looked around throughout the whole room I saw him. "Hey Terrence" I said waving at him "H-hi Isen" he said nervous "need anything?" He asked. "Can you spy on Blyke, and John?" I asked. "Sure" he said 'nice now I can learn information about them.' I thought as I began my work.

Pure Hearts Unordinary (Blyke x John) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now