Chapter 8

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A.N.: Hi!
For those who wonder, I will write a second story (prompt 5) and it will be Ziam. The prologue will be up in a couple of weeks.  I will probably write a third as well, so you can still vote for the other prompts :)! . I love you all, thanks for all the votes and comments, if I could I'd buy you all a taco and concert tickets 

Louis’ POV

Louis was the first one to arrive at the classroom. He scuffed to the back, dropping his backpack next to the desk. As he plumped himself down, Louis let a deep sigh.

The previous course had been like hell. How was it possible that after all those years, after attending school so much longer than any other student ever had, his maths skills were still awful. It really didn’t make any sense. The lad could fluently speak fiive different languages. History was a piece of cake as he had lived through most of it. Hell, he could even handle sciences though those were rather modern subjects. Really, he mastered it all. All except for maths of course. After all those years the parabolas and matrices still hadn’t revealed their secrets to Louis.

  Of course, It had just been the first lesson, but Louis was already one hundred and fifty percent sure he would fail this year’s maths too, like he had done every previous time.

Louis sighed again, fixing his gaze on the ceiling as other students were, too, entering the classroom. At times like these, when his mood already wasn’t that bright, he hated it that he had to avoid human contact. The vampire completely understood Liam’s reasons. Because it absolutely did make sense to try not to withdraw attention on them as it was a delicate case not to be found by hunters. Anyone or anyone’s parents could be the reason of their death. If the wrong people found out that two vampires were attending this school, there was big a chance they wouldn’t survive it. So really, Louis did grasp that loneliness was almost required to be a vampire, but in his human life Louis had been a very sociable lad.

He used to have dozens of friends all loving him endlessly for his amazing sense of humour and chipper mood. People used to be drawn to him because of his natural charm. Girls batting with their eyelashes while listening to one of the lad’s stories, little boys following him around town, wanting to be just like him, Louis had enjoyed it all. Louis plainly used to be a people person.

It had all changed of course the moment Liam turned him into a creature of the night. From one moment to the other he couldn’t be the lad he used to be, his only company now being the brown eyed lad. And he was okay with that, he had to, but sometimes he just wanted to be like his younger self. He wanted to be able to joke around again without having to think about the consequences or flirt with half the world’s population, even just talking to someone else without wanting to plant his fangs in their necks. And sometimes, sometimes he really just needed someone to make him smile again.

Louis’ thoughts were interrupted by a delicious fragrance making its way to his nostrils. He didn’t need to look up to know that Harry had entered the room, his scent spoke for itself.

The knowledge that Louis could spend every psychology course with the curly haired lad instantly cheered him up. Although his scent could drive Louis crazy, he definitely liked the lad. Perhaps it was only because he had finally found someone new he was allowed to talk to, well Liam couldn’t obligate him to plainly ignore their roommate couldn’t he? And maybe the lad with his adorable curls and awkward conversations really was amazing company.

Louis’ bubble of thoughts was for the second time popped when the teachers’ voice, telling everyone where to sit, finally reached his ears. Thinking that he had luck on his side, he silently cheered the moment that his name was called after Harry’s.

While sitting next to the boy, he couldn’t stop himself from teasing Harry and when the taller lad’s cheeks heated up, he knew that he wanted to do anything to gain this reaction from him again.

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