Chapter Three

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A week later....

Another Friday night and I'm sat at home again, fun! Niall never did call me that Friday but it never really bothered me and I haven't spoke to him since then:(  It's been quite a boring week, school has been most boring. Everything at school is pretty the same old stuff, still haven't told me friends I speak to Niall and I don't want to yet.

BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ My phone started ringing, the number was private so I had no idea who it was, I just answered it. 

"Hello"  They said

"Hey erm,who is this?" I said suspiciously 

"It's Niall, so you have forgotten me already have you?" He said laughing

"Oh hey Niall haha and I think your the one who forgot me?" 

"If I had forgotten you would I be asking you out?" He replied with a giggle

" Asking me out? what do you mean?"  I said confused 

"Oh erm, I mean as like hanging out" 

"Oh yeah that would be great, when?" I said with a smile on my face

"Tomorrow, if you can?" 

"Yeah sure, that would be great, shall I meet you at yours?" 

"Great and yeah"  He said happily 

So he gave me his address, said good bye and I hung up the phone. I was so excited now I really had to tell someone about it. And I was just happy I had money in the bank so I can get a train. I went to go tell Zoe since we can trust each other and at the moment she is the only one I can tell. So I did. 

 "Zoe, could you come here please? I need to tell something?"  I said sounding nervously

"Okay I'm coming, this better be important though"  She replied in a sharp voice

I think she won't believe me at first, well know one will... But I want to tell her and get it off my chest and then tomorrow when I meet him he can cover for me. "So what do you want?"  She said with her hands on her hips. "Well your probably not going to believe me but I'm honestly teling the truth and can prove it, if you listen?"   I said fiddling with my hands

"Okay, well what is it then?" 

Well tomorrow i'm meeting Niall Horan, now listen don't laugh. We were first speaking on twitter now facebook"  She cut me off

"He followed you on twitter? and has facebook??" She said sounding excited

"Well yeah, wait do you believe me??"  I said with a shocked face

She never said she didn't she just asked if he has facebook and that. She really believed me, I'm just so happy I have finally told someone. And for them to believe me makes it so much better.

"Course I do Lilly, your no liar and even though it might sound like it's not true you said you also have proof?" She said with a smile on her face. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug. "Thankyou Zoe and yes I do have proof, I have his number shall I call him?"  I said so happy.

"Yeah call him"

"Okay, but only listen don't talk"

"Okay hurry up"

"OKay okay"

So I went on to my last caller, rung the number. I was so nervous I didn't even know what to say. So I thought i'd ask him what time I should get to his. It started ringing so I put it on loud speaker. "Hello Lilly, whats up?"  He said seeming a bit happy. "Oh erm I just wanted to know what time shall I come to yours tomorrow?" I said sounding a bit nervous, I tried to hide it but didn't work. 

"Oh, 12ish.. Is that okay?"

"Yeah that is fine, okay well that's it bye"

"Is that all you wanted?"

"Well yeah, what else would I have wanted?" I said with a small giggle

"Thought you missed me already Lilly, haha" He replied laughing

"Know haha, I think your the one missing me?"  

"No, your missing me obviously" 

"Na, well that was really it, I have to go now bye"

"Okay, bye"  He replied then I hung up. 

I turned to Zoe who looked pretty surprised and couldn't believe it was Niall from what I could tell from her face. I suddenly spoke up after the silence "See I told you I wasn't lying, now if you didn't believe me I'm guessing you do now?" I said with a big smile on my face:)  "Yess! Lilly of course I believe you, I can't believe it, your so lucky" She was happy for me but seemed a bit up set because she liked Liam from One Direction.  "Yeah I know, if we meet a few times or if I see Liam I'll tell him about you" I said with a smile. "Thanks Lilly" She said seeming really happy.

"Well don't just sit there help me pick what to wear" I said laughing away

"Okay" She said while jumping off my bed. After she helped and then I had to tell her I haven't told him my real age. She understood and didn't say anything else. Then I had a quick shower washed my hair, dried it and went to bed because I had an early start in the morning. 

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