Chapter Thirty

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Thursday Morning 8am

I slowly started to wake up and turned over to see Niall, a smile came across my face again as I remembered what he said that night. I put my arm over him and felt the heat from his body, I could of easily fell asleep again. I gently placed my head on to his chest and closed my eye's, right now I can't imagine my life with out him .

I use to be just a fan girl with poster of One Direction all over my wall and now they all know me and we are all close and I go out with Niall Horan. How did this all happen? I am just so happy to be here right now and I could never wish for anything more.

Suddenly I felt his arm going around me, my eye's opened as I felt his arm relax on my body. I  started to look up at his face and he was looking down at me with a smile and I was smiling back. "Morning beautiful" He whispered to me

"Aww, why are you whispering though?" I asked unsure

"It sound's better when you whisper" He answered 

"Ah okay, well morning" 

"Haha, morning" 

"What shall we do today?"

"Well as much as I would love to stay in bed, I think we should go out somewhere"

"yeah, I agree"  He answered

"10 more minute's?" 

"Yeah, 10 more minute's" He said agreeing and we both laid quietly snuggled up together. After 20 minute's we decided to get dressed and then walk down stair's and had breakfast. Then we walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

My phone suddenly started going off so I took it out of my pocket, I had a message from Courtney "Hey Lilly, me and Louis have another room because of how much we spent and thought you and Niall might want it?xx" I'll admit I was pretty excited because I had never been to Paris before. "Niall, Louis and Courtney have another room and want's to know if we want it?" I turned to him a said in excitement.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, shall we go?"  I asked hoping for a yes.

"Yeah sure"  He answered

"Yes" I said kissing him on the cheek "Let's go pack and get on a plane soon as" I continued to say grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the tv. And texted Courtney "Yes we want it, we are about to start packing xx" Once we were upstair's I grabbed my suitcase and put it onto the bed "Your taking a suitcase when we are only going for one night?" He asked

"Oh yeah, I guess your right. Have you got a small one we could both share?"

"Yeah this little blue one" He said putting the suitcase onto his bed.

"Okay, we will use this one then, seem's like a good size to me" I replied and began to pack my clothes for the next day and pj's.  And I also decided to take another outfit in case we decided to go out.

"Well I think we are ready" He said

"Let's go" I answered beginning to walk down stair's and call a taxi to take us to the airport. When the taxi arrived me and Niall made our way out to the taxi and Niall put our suitcase into the boot while I got in. Once he finished he came and sat with me and the driver got and drove off, I was really excited and couldn't wait.

I went on my twitter and posted "Going Paris, on way to the airport whoop #Excited" . I didn't think people would know I was with Niall but they obviously did since there were a few people there who were fan's. But they were know trouble we were able to walk past them and take a few photo's then walk in to the airport without any hassle from the fan's. 

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