Chapter Eieghteen

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Saturday Morning 7:30am

I woke up next to Niall by a knock at the door, I slowly got out of bed and walked over to answer it. I opened it and saw everyone there "Hey, erm what are all you guy's doing here?" I asked confused

"We all decided that we were going to have breakfast in your hotel room this morning"  Answered Harry

"How come I didn't get a chance to decide" I wondered

"Because you were both a sleep when we decided" Said Louis and then leading everyone into mine and Niall's hotel room. "Okay, well let me go wake up Niall and then you girl's can help me do something for breakfast" I said walking into the bed room and waking up Niall. "Niall wake up everyone is here for breakfast" I shouted.

He slowly started to wake up "What? why are they all here for breakfast" He asked

"They all decided last night while we was a sleep, now wake up and come into the living room"  I answered shaking him a little. He finally got up and followed me into the living room and sat down while I walked to the kitchen were all the girl's were. "So Courtney did you have fun last night?" I asked grabbing a pan and pouring oil into it. 

"Yeah it was amazing and so romantic" Courtney answered

"Aww" Me and the other girl's said.

"Me and Liam just went out for dinner in a restaurant near here after he came back from the shop" Zoe said

"Me and Harry just lite some candle's and watched a romantic film"Replied Tia

"Aw cool guys, me and Niall just went for a midnight dip in the pool down stair's" I said

"And Zayn took me to the fair" Tiana said. And then after tell each everything we did the night before we had finished breakfast and took it into the boys who were watching tv. All the girl's went to sit next to there boy's and handed them their food so I did the same. I turned and looked at the boys "I'm glad to hear that your all treating my girl's nicely" I said with a smile. 

 "How could we not treat them nicely" Liam said looking at Zoe and smiling. 

"You boy's have the EMA's tonight, don't you?" Tia asked

"Yeah, we're nominated for 3 awards" Replied Zayn

"That's amazing, what time are you guy's leaving here?" I wondered

"About 7pm tonight" Said Louis

"Ah, so girl's what shall we do tonight?" I asked

"Your coming with us tonight" Niall replied

"Really?" Asked Zoe

"Yeah" Replied Harry

"Well then girl's, look's like we have some shopping to do" I said smiling at the girl's. All the girl's looked at each other and smiled. Because we all love going shopping and now couldn't wait till tonight. Then suddenly all the girl's got up "Okay then girl's, let's get ready and go shopping" We all laughed and then I ran into my room and the girl's left the hotel room and went to their's. 

I went into the room and closed the door behind me since the boy's were still in the living room. I put my dressing on and looked through the cupboard and draw's to find something to where. I liked these two top's  so I quickly ran to see the boy's in my dressing gown to see what one is better. I ran out and said "Hey, quick question what one look's better?" I asked in a hurry. They started laughing at me but then soon answered. 

"I like that one on the left, the white one" Replied Harry. 

I took another look at it and then said "Yeah, I agree, I will wear this one, thank's HARRY" I said Harry's name quiet loud because he is the only one who helped me. And then ran back into the room and got changed. About 30 minute's later the someone knocked the door I ran out of the bedroom with me stuff said "Good bye guy's, see you later", And then answered the door and left with the girl's. 

 The clothe's store's were not not far away and as soon as we got into a shop we picked out thing's we liked and tried them on. . I found a casual flowery dress and tried it on and in the end brought it because I really like it. I also picked our a black pencil skirt with a pick blouse with a black collar. 

Once we all had our outfit's we went to starbuck's and had a quick coffee then headed back the hotel room's. When we got up to our room's all the girl's but Courtney came to my room because the boy's were still there and tomorrow is Courtney's birthday. So we all was thinking of a surprise we could do for her, she was turning 17year's old. 

 After we new what we was going to do everyone left and went to their own room's and started t get ready and have shower's and stuff since it was 4pm. "Okay Niall, well I'm going to go have a shower and you can have one after me" I said walking into the bath room. 

"Okay, don't be long" He replied

Once I had gotten out Niall went in and I dried my hair then curled it and put it around to the right side. Then I put my make up on and by that time Niall was out of the shower and getting dressed. After I got into my dressed and had to asked Niall "Niall can you come and do this up a the back please?" . He slowly walked over and said "Yeah sure" .

Then we were finally ready Tiana and Zayn came knocking at our door telling us it was time to leave so I grabbed my stuff and we were off. It was a bit manic walking down to the lobby because there was a few fan's there screaming and waiting. But we managed to get past and made our way to the car's. 

 We all went into the same car as last time so I was with Niall, Courtney and Louis. "Is there going to be a red carpet again?" I asked.

"Yeah" Said Louis

Niall grabbed my hand and said "Don't worry Lilly, I'll stand next to you the whole time" This made me smile and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. When we arrived we walked on to the red carpet, hand in hand. We had another picture of us all again and some separate one's in our couples and then went inside. 

Unfortunately we couldn't sit next to the boy's, we were 2 row's back from them. They were sitting in the front row then right next to the stage was fan's. We saw some people perform like Rhianna which was cool. Then I suddenly heard someone call my name, I turned to the girl's and Tiana spoke up "Lilly, we just want to say thank you so much for letting us meet these boy's and bringing us along with you?" They all smiled. "It's okay girl's, I'm glad I brought you as well and that you get on so well with these boy's. 

3 hour's later

The show had finished and the boy's had won all 3 awards that they were nominated for. Me and the girl's were so proud that we made sure they got an extra big hug after and a cheeky little kiss. We were in the car's on the way home and we were all really tired, outside the lobby there were fan's waiting. One of the girl's grabbed Harry and wouldn't let him go so me and Courtney went over there and asked her to let go. 

 In the end she did but Liam did loose a shoe which was really funny. We went into are hotel room's and Niall was texting Louis about tomorrow for Courtney and then we both went to sleep.

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