Chapter Twenty

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10:13am Monday morning London airport

We had just landed and stepped off the plane. The girl's were still up set and it was all my fault, I had let it get so far that I regret even starting it. They are all going to get hurt because of me, the girl's are already hurt just wait till I tell Niall and then the other girl's tell the boy's. There all really nice people and don't deserve to go through this, it's not their fault they fell in love. 

I tried being less unhappy because soon he won't be mine anymore so I new I had to spend all the time I could with him. So I wiped my finally tear away and grabbed his hand like nothing was wrong and walked to the car's. 

I stepped in and sat down and turned to Niall "Niall can you drop us off at the train station please" I asked quietly. Courtney turned to me looking really down and up set. I think deep down the girl's new this was the right thing to do but don't want to loose them, none of us do.

In the car we were all silent, the boy's tried to make conversation but I didn't want to talk at this moment and neither did Courtney.  We arrived at the train station and I said good bye to Niall, I gave him the biggest hug and a big kiss. Then whispered "Bye Niall, I'll alway's love you" A teared dropped down my face.

He wiped it way with his hand and said "Why cry? I'll always love you two" He smiled

"I'm just a bit emotional at the moment" I explained but hearing him say I love you made me smile a bit. 

"Well bye Lilly, I hoped you had fun? I sure did" Niall said

"Bye Niall and yes I did" I said giving him a other hug and kiss good bye. I walked onto the train and the girl's followed after saying good bye to the boy's. "Why did you say good bye like that? Lilly?" Courtney asked. I looked up and looked straight back down.

"You said you wasn't going to tell him until two week's" Tiana said

"I know, I know" I replied

"Lilly just don't do it, don't do it" Zoe added

"I have to, soon. I don't want them to go through this any longer, it's not right" I replied starting to yell a little.

"I agree with Lilly, as much as I love Harry I feel bad doing this to him, the deserve better" Tia said finally joining in.

"No, that's where your all wrong, you all deserve each other. It's just me that don't deserve Niall, don't say thing's like that when it's all because of me" I shouted at all of them.

"No Lilly, you deserve him" Courtney said giving me a hug. We all started to cry and we were soon coming to our stop. I suddenly spoke up "I'm sorry guys, I wish I never put you through all this" .

"Don't worry Lilly, we have all that fun we could have and made some good memories. As long as I still have you girl's I'm fine" Tiana added

"And it's our fault's we choose to lie" Said Tia

"How do we know it's not going to turn out good? they might understand" Replied Zoe. We then arrived at our stop and go off the train dragging our suitcase's behind us. When it was time for us all to go our separate way's we gave each other a big hug and walked off. 

When I got back to my house with Zoe I ran straight to my room and flopped on my bed and cried again. I felt so silly, he is famous any way's I can't believe he fell for me, what and idiot. I started putting my self down the whole night, then my mum came in.  She sat on my bed next to me and started talking "Lilly, what's the matter darling? you haven't said a word since you came back?" Sounding worried. 

 "Don't worry mum, it's something stupid, like it alway's is"  I mumbled to her. 

"Lilly common now, you don't cry over nothing" She replied

"I do now mum, so trust me it's nothing" I answered

She gave me a hug and we sat chatting for a while, I didn't tell her anything because she is the last person I wanted to know about this. She then left me and I had a shower and then got in my pj's, I was in bed and ready to drift off. When suddenly my phone went off, I had a text from Niall saying "Hey beautiful, why was you crying today? xx" 

I didn't know what even to say back to that, I was thinking of telling him then I thought no!. I promised the girl's not yet and it shouldn't be done by phone either. So I simply replied "Nothing, I just had a moment haha, I'm going to bed sorry bye xx".

Then he replied back saying "Okay huni, bye xx" . I put my phone down and tried to get back to sleep and thinking about Niall and when was the right time to tell him. All I new is I had to do it soon, before it went any further. 

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