Chapter Thirtyseven

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Don't play the song till I say :)


It's my birthday today and I'm 15years old, I had been woken up by my parent's coming into my room with cards and presents for me to open. "Happy birthday" They both said hugging me

"Thanks, is Zoe coming round today?" I replied

"Yeah later on, probably after you have finished school. Now open all your presents and card" Dad said

"Yeah okay" I said smiling then began ripping open my presents. I had go money from my mum and dad in a card and a dress with shoes. "What's this outfit for?"  I asked

"For Friday" Mum replied

"What's happening Friday?" I added

"We are going out for dinner" Dad answered then I carried on opening more presents, I got some make-up and jewellery. After I had opened all my cards and present's my mum and dad left me and I began to get ready for school. 

I searched through my my cupboard because in my school we get to wear what we want and decided on skinny jeans with a woolly jumper that is stripy with black and white. Then walked down stair's and had some breakfast, as I was eating my phone started buzzing, I received messages from friend's saying "Happy Birthday Lilly xxx".  Zoe texted me so I texted her back saying "What time you coming up? xx" 

"Once you have finished school xx" She replied and I put my phone down and finished my breakfast then went up stair's to brush my teeth and do my make-up. After I had finished I got my dad to take me to school in the car because it was my birthday and I had lost my walking buddy Courtney.

"Are you ready!" Dad shouted as he stood at the bottom of the stairs with his car key's in his hand

"Yeah, just coming!" I shouted back as I put a bit of perfume on and then made my way to the stair's and then the car. While in the car I turned Capital fm on and started singing along to the song's that came on.

 We arrived at school and Tia and Tiana were in site, I said a quick goodbye to my dad then opened the door and stepped out slamming it behind me. I walked over to both of them as they were standing on the grass and they both gave me a hug and said "Happy Birthday" then handed me my present's.

"Arw thank you girls" I said smiling

"It's okay, now open them" Said tiana 

"Okay" I replied and then began ripping open the neatly wrapped present's. Tia had got my my favourite perfume and Tiana got me a photo frame that had loads of picture's of her,me, Tia and Courtney. I loved it so much, all the memories we had shared just went through my head as if I was watching a movie of my life or something.

"Thankyou so much, it's amazing" I said smiling and giving them a big hug

"It's okay, glad you like it" Replied Tia and then the whistle went 

"C'mon let's go in" Said Tiana and then we all went to our lesson's

I had math's first and luckily Tia and Tiana were both in my class and we sat next to each other so we could still chat. We walking in the class room and grabbed our books and a ruler then made our way to the table that we sit at.

"So you okay?" Asked Tia

"Why wouldn't I be? it's my birthday" I replied

"Because you seemed upset yesterday when we left London" Said Tiana

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