Chapter Twentynine

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Wednesday Morning, 7:15am

I woke up unaware of where I was, I had no memory. I sat up and looked around, I saw everyone just a sleep in weird place's. Louis was laid on the table and Courtney was under the table which made me begin to laugh a little. I was in the living room on the sofa and couldn't see Niall so I went to the first place he would be, the kitchen. 

I got up and walked in there he was asleep on the breakfast bar with a bowl of chrisp's next to him "Niall!" I shouted which caused him to fall off the table and everyone came in. "What happened?" Asked Zoe

"So for waking you guy's it was just funny to see him fall of the table" I answered and everyone started laughing then suddenly Niall shot up from the floor. 

"Where is Zayn and Harry?" Ask Liam

"I dunno, let's go look and call each other when we fine them" Suggested Louis. So we went around the house quickly because where ever they was we didn't want to wake them.  The Courtney called us and said "Guy's, I have found Zayn" 

"Where?" Asked Niall

"In the bathroom, in the bath"  She whispered back. We all quickly made our way up to the  bathroom where we all saw Zayn laid in the bath with the shower head in his hand. We all began to laugh unstoppably and I even took a picture of until we decided to wake him. "Let's all shout wake up on the count of three"  Whispered Louis.

"One, two THREE!" He whispered

"WAKE UP ZAYN!!" We all shouted after. He jumped up and let go of the shower which then hit him on the head and we all began laughing. "What was that for?" Zayn said rubbing his head

"Well you were asleep and it was funny" Said Niall

"We have to go fine Harry now" I said

"Nope we don't, he is down there in the pool" Said Zoe looking out the bathroom window. Harry was in the pool on a blow up bed asleep. 

"We have to go wake him up do he fall's in the pool" Said Zayn and we all moved away from the window and ran down stair's and out into the garden. "Wait I want to take a picture then record it so I can put it on youtube and maybe you've been framed" I whispered getting my phone out of my pocket again. 

And then again on the count of three we all shouted "WAKE UP HARRY!" He jumped and fell straight in the pool, we all began laughing. And I shouted out to him after I finished recording "That's going on youtube and maybe you've been framed" I laughed and so did everyone else. 

He started to climb up the lander out of the pool and I was standing opposite the lander "Oh so you guy's think that's funny do you?" He said 

"Yeah I think we do" I answered. He stood in front of me soaking wet and held his arm's out before I could get away he hugged me. Making me wet and then he hugged everyone else and even pushed Zayn in the pool along with Louis as well.

Me and the girl's continued laughing and the boy's got out of the pool and we walked back into the house. We sat back down in the living room while the boy's got towel's and borrowed some of Harry's clothes. While me, Courtney, Zoe, Niall and Liam started tidying up for Harry, well Niall was mostly in the kitchen eating. 

"Niall stop eating, the quicker we get this done the quick we can all do something" I said staring at him while he put crisp's in his mouth. 

"Okay, okay, but I was just tidying up" He said laughing. I exited the kitchen and continued tidying up the house. About two hour's later Harry, Louis and Zayn walked down the stair's all nice and dry "Where have you boy's been in the past hour?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"We have been getting dried then dressed" Answered Harry

"It don't take that long, you just didn't want to tidy up" Said Courtney. They all looked down knowing we court them out and started picking up some cup's and putting them in bag's. We finished half an hour later and we all sat down on the sofa relieved. "So what are we doing now?" Asked Liam. It was only 2:13pm so we still had time to do something today but we didn't know what to do.

"Shall we go to the park? to play football?" Suggested Louis

"Erm yeah, sound's okay" Answered Courtney

"Can we have something to eat first?" Asked Niall

"Yeah, I'm a bit hungry as well" Said Harry. So we all walked into the kitchen where Louis cooked us something to eat which was really nice. After we all had finished we all sat in and had a chat I sat with Niall, Harry and Zayn. While Courtney and Louis was in the kitchen and Liam and Zoe where outside. 

Later Courtney and Louis came back in with Zoe and Liam they all sat down then Courtney and Louis stood up. I was the only one that noticed at first then spoke up "What's up guys?" I asked

"Well me and Courtney have now made this official" Said Louis

"Aww" We all said and me and Zoe went over to hug Courtney who was smiling and the boy's did the same thing to Louis.

"And we are going to go to Paris tonight for two night" Courtney added. I was happier for them because she was finally able to go out with him without me or anyone else there with them. After we all made out way to the car and went to the park with the football to play a game. 

When we arrived to the park I turned to Louis "I hope your okay with getting beat by a girl again" I said with a smirk. 

"It's not going to happen again" He replied

"Who beat him in a game of football?" Courtney asked

"Me, Niall and Harry" 

"Yeah we did" Said Harry giving me high five.

 "Ah, well who's team shall we go on?" Asked Zoe

"Well I'm sure Courtney will want to go on Louis's team so Zoe you can go on my team" I replied. They both seemed okay about it and then we began to play football. It was funny because Liam and Zoe were trying to beat each other at the game. 

After about an hour it was 3-3 and Courtney and Louis had to go so they could get their plane to Paris. We all gave them a hug and then they headed back to grab their stuff and go to the airport to get their plane.

The rest of us decided to go back to Niall since we had nothing else to do and it was 6pm. So we went back their and watched a film, we decide on the last song. We were all cuddled up on the sofa's and I also made everyone a drink.

Around 9ish they all left and me and Niall was left alone. We continued watched a film but then he got a text from one of his friend's asking if he was going out. I looked over and saw the message "You can go out, I'll be fine" I said looking up at him.

"Na, I won't leave you, I'll see if he want's to come here though and you can meet him" He said

"But I don't want to be the one stopping you going out" 

"Your not, I am"

"It's me now if you really want to then go"

"Nope, I'm staying and he is coming over" He replied

"Okay, okay" I said laying back down. Soon later the door went and Niall went to answer it since I didn't know the person. He introduced me so I said a simple "Hey". I didn't really speak for the rest of the night because I didn't really know what to say. So I ended up going up stair's and left them to talk. 

I could just about hear what th. ey was saying but one thing I heard clearly was "I really love her"  and I new that it was Niall voice so for the rest of the night I had a smile across my face and feel asleep.

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