Chapter Five

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We ended up playing fifa for about 3 hours, so it was only 3:23pm. I had played all the boys and beat them all. It was so good, we ended up  having a really good laugh together. Then Louis turned to me and said "Wow your really good, lets see how good you are actually playing football"  With a smirk on his face. "I'd be more then happy to beat you at a game of football"  I said with a giggle which the other boys joined in with. 

"Your on, we will play it in Niall back garden " He said

"Good, I'll have Niall and Harry on my team and you can have Liam and Zayn on your"  At this moment I seemed like a big headed bitch but it was all just jokes and laughs with these guys so it wasen't really a big deal haha. 

 All the boys headed out to Niall's back garden but I quickly went upstairs to the toliet. While I was washing my hands my phone starting to ring, it was Courtney. I didn't know if I was going to answer but then decided I would but wasn't going to tell her what I was doing. 

"Hey"  I answered 

"Heya, you coming out? loads of us are going to the park? " 

"Na I can't, I'm busy at the moment sorry"  I said kinda quickly

"Oh okay, what you doing?" She asked

"Nothing important just something I need to do, I'll talk later, got to get back to it bye"  I said in reply

"Oh okay, well bye" She said while hanging up the phone.

I went back down stairs and headed to the garden where all the boys were. They had set up a football net and everything, I guess Louis is really serious about football. Which made me want to beat him even more. Louis saw me and said "Okay then Lilly, lets begin this game"  I looked at him  with a smirk on my face and said "Lets".

Me, Niall and Harry went to the corner of the garden and we worked out who was going in goal and who was defending who. They both agreed that because me and Louis was the ones that wanted to play each other I will defend him and he would probably be doing the same. I had to take my shoes off and they all laughed because how small I was. Because they think that i'm 18years old, so I took my heels off and put my dolly shoes on instead. And then the game began. 

I guess you could say as the game went on I cheated a little bit because when I could I tripped Louis up. It was pretty funny to be honest. We played 3 games which took us to the time of 6:09pm. You had to win two out of three games to win and my team won. After I went to sit on one of the garden chairs with Niall while the other boys were kicking the ball around.  Once I finished running around and rubbing it in Louis's face.

I looked at my phone to see the time again and realised if I wanted to get the train soon it was time for me to leave. I found it hard to tell Niall because I really didn't want to leave. 

"Erm Niall, I'm going to have to leave now to be able to catch the train, I should of really been back by now"  I said quietly. I looked up at his, he turned to Zayn. I looked over at him as well and saw him wink and Niall. Me and Niall then turned to each other and he said " can stay here tonight if you want?"  He said this in a nervous tone.  I didn't know what to do, I wanted to stay so badly.

"Okay then if your sure, I don't want to be any trouble"  I replied with a smile.

"Great" He shouted jumping from his seat, which made me laugh.

"Okay, well I have to go and make a quick phone call, I'll be right back"  I said starting to get up from my seat. 

"Okay" He replied back. 

I left the garden and went into the living room to call Zoe and tell her to tell my mum and dad that I'm staying at Courtneys. But really I'm staying here. 

"Hello Lilly"  She said

"Hey, I'm staying here tonight okay, but tell mum and dad i'm staying round Courtney's" I said in a hurry

"Aww you lucky thing and okay i'll tell them, don't be to late home tomorrow though" She said sounding happy

"Okay, bye"  I said hanging up the phone

 Then I made my way back out to the garden. "Everything okay?"  Niall said as I sat down on the chair.

"Yeah course, why wouldn't it be"  I said with a small giggle

"Good and just making sure

Arww, sweet" 

Everyone started to get hungry and wanted something to eat so we ended up ordering Chinese. Half an hour later it came and we all sat in the living eating, it was really quiet so I thought i'd try and make conversation. 

 "So what are we going to do after this?" I said looking around at everyone

Zayn spoke up "Maybe you could teach us some dance moves, since you did good at school" 

"Yeah sure okay, this will be fun"  I said with a smile

After 20 minutes we all finished eating, me being the last one. We  let the food go down and then I stood up and said "Come on then boys, lets learn a dance"  They all laugh and started to stand up, we moved the sofa's and chairs to the side of the living to make room.  I made them all warm up first's then we started. 

 We danced for an hour they were all warned out but they did learn a good dance. It was 8:30pm nearly 9pm and the boys said they were going to leave soon. "Aren't you boys staying as well?" I asked. "No, we have things to do"  Liam said. 

 At 9:10pm the boys started to leave so we all said good bye to each other "Have fun tonight you two, don't stay up to late" Louis said and the other boys laughed alone. "We won't Louis"  Said Niall.  And then  they all left. 

"So what do you want to do now then Lilly?" Niall asked curiously 

"Lets watch a film" I said in reply 

"Okay a horror?" 

"Yeah okay. erm have you got anything I can wear to bed?"  I asked

"Well I don't have any woman clothes if that what you mean but your more then welcome to go look through mine and find something" He said with a smile 

"Okay thanks, where is your room?"  I said with a smile 

" Follow me" 

So I followed him up to his room and started looking. I ended up picking his grey tracksuit bottoms and red t-shirt and his white jumper. Which was really big on me and really warm. Then we made our way back down stairs and he put scream on. 

 We sat on his sofa together and I cuddled up to him, I was really scared and I think he could tell. He put his arm around me which was really nice but I tried acting like I didn't care, even though it felt amazing. And we continued watching the film. 

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