Chapter Ten

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Monday Morning 6:30am 

I woke up early for school so I had time to get ready. I picked up my clothes which was jeans and my MTV top with my converse's, and my hair was wavy and down. I wasn't really looking forward to school, I never am. Weekends are what helps me make it through the week, my weekends have been amazing lately. 

Today was the day that I was finally going to tell Tia and Tiana that I have been seeing Niall and use the paper and proof. Courtney already Know's about it which makes it easier to convince Tia and Tiana if they don't believe me. So I grabbed the sun and put it in my bag ready for school. 

At 7:50am I left my house to walk to Courtney for school. I know this is really early it's because school starts at 8:30am but you have to be in school by 8:25pm. I put my headphones in and listened to One Direction on the way to Courtney's. 

When I got there we straight away headed off to school which is only 5 minutes away from where Courtney lived. On the way we talked all about telling Tia and Tiana.

"Are you going to tell Tia and Tiana today?" She asked wondering 

"Yeah and I have the paper to prove it, which makes it easier" I answered 

"Yeah and I'll back you up as well" She said with a smile 

"Okay thanks but don't tell them you have been with me to meet them before" 

"Okay, I won't" 

"Thanks, I don't want them getting jealous or anything" 

She nodded and before we knew it we  were at school. We went down to the math corridor and sat with everyone else until it was time for lesson. The first lesson I had was maths then after that I had English, they both dragged. Then tutor which wasn't really a lesson because all we did was sat there for 20 minutes doing nothing. Tiana was is my tutor thought but I wasn't going to tell her yet I wanted to wait till break where her and Tia was there. 

When it was break we all sat in our normally corner me, Courtney, Tia and Tiana. We sat talking for a little and I finally was going to tell them when I knew know one was listening. I gave Courtney the nod to say that I'm ready to tell them. 

"Tia, Tiana, I have something to tell you both" I said nervously

"What is it?"  Tiana said 

"Well your probably not going to believe me but I have been seeing Niall Horan on weekends. I know it sounds stupid and you probably don't believe me but look at this" I said as I grabbed the paper out of my bag and handed it to them. 

"That's me with Niall holding hands, it was taken on Saturday" I said looking down waiting for one of them to laugh and not believe me.

"It's true, I heard him on the phone"  Courtney said

"And you have wore these clothes to school before" Replied Tia

"Does that mean you believe me?" I asked looking up. They both turned to each other and Tiana replied "Of course we do Lilly, I'm sure you wouldn't lie to us and you have proof from this paper and Courtney" 

I smiled "Thank you so much for believing me" 

"It's and have you met Harry at all?" Ask Tia

"Yeah, I went swimming round his house, he is really nice. I have met all of them and they were all very welcoming. There is just one thing" I said looking down

"Lucky" Said Tia

"What is that one thing?" Tiana asked

"They think i'm 18 year old" I said feeling bad

"Well you need to tell them" Said Tia

"Not yet, I can't yet" I said with my eye's filling up with tears

"Why not?" Said Courtney

"I don't want to loose him" I replied as one tear ran down my face

"It's okay, I'm sure he won't. Just tell him when your ready"  Said Tiana

It all went silent as I wiped my tears away and looked at them all which put a smile on my face. Because I finally told them all and they all believed me which was the best thing. 

"When will we get to meet them, I really want to see Harry?"  Ask Tia. I turned to Courtney and said "I dunno but I'll try my best to get you guys to come" 

"Yeah I really want to come" Courtney said joining in

"I'll try my best guys, I promise" I said with a big smile.

After I told them both about what I have done with him so far and what has happened like the snog that happened Saturday which was amazing. They were both really shocked. Courtney had to act shocked because sadly she couldn't say anything about her and Louis. As I didn't want them both to get upset or anything about not meeting them. I also had to tell them that's it's only between us four and Zoe. Know one else was aloud to know. Then we carried on talking. 

The day went pretty fast. On the way home I spoke to Courtney about the day and we were just laughing to each other. Even though she might not know it I really want her and Louis to get together so hopefully this weekend she is not busy and can maybe come with me. 

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